- Library Management System built using GOLang
- Data stored in DB in encoded format using GOB encoding
- Persistent application using BadgerDB
- Rest API implemented to accept JSON inputs
- Week(1-4) Final Project during SDE Internship at Sarva Labs
- GOLang - version 1.18.3 amd64
- BadgerDB - version v3.2103.2
- Gorilla Mux - version 1.8.0
Ready to use features:
- Add Book
- Add User
- Borrow book
- Return book
- Each user can borrow a maximum of 5 books
- Audiobook and eBook are only available in digital format
- Hardback and Paperback are only available in physical format
- Encyclopedia, Comic and Magazine are available in both digital and physical format
Application Features:
- File can be downloaded and run using go by running the main package.
- Application will enter API mode on pressing 3 from main menu.
- API endpoints are available on port:10000
- Sample input provided in input.txt file to enter 7 books, 3 users and 1 borrow and 1 return into the system
Book type in following fields must be entered using the associated int value:
0. eBook
1. AudioBook
2. HardBack
3. PaperBack
4. Encyclopedia
5. Magazine
6. Comic
The object requires booktype, name, author and capacity in respective fields.
"booktype":<int>(between 0 to 6),
"capacity":<int>(To set >1 type must be digital),
The object requires name and age in respective fields.
The object requires name, type(booktype) and bookname in respective fields.
"type":<int>(between 0 to 6),
The application has 4 API end points
This functionality is available at the /book endpoint of the application URL.
- Accepts only POST requests.
- Request JSON must follow the following format
{ "booktype":<int>(between 0 to 6), "name":<str>, "author":<str>, "capacity":<int>(To set >1 type must be digital), "borrowed":0 }
The application returns any error or problem at server side while also returning the received json object to verify input.
This functionality is available at the /user endpoint of the application URL.
- Accepts only POST requests.
- Request JSON must follow the following format
{ "name":<str>, "age":<int>, "books":[] }
The application returns any error or problem at server side while also returning the received json object to verify input.
This functionality is available at the /borrow endpoint of the application URL.
- Accepts only POST requests.
- Request JSON must follow the following format
{ "name":<str>, "type":<int>(between 0 to 6), "bookname":<str> }
The application returns any error or problem at server side while also returning the received json object to verify input.
This functionality is available at the /return endpoint of the application URL.
- Accepts only POST requests.
- Request JSON must follow the following format
{ "name":<str>, "type":<int>(between 0 to 6), "bookname":<str> }
The application returns any error or problem at server side while also returning the received json object to verify input.
Room for improvement:
- Errors caused by API endpoints to be returned to client
- Improvement in efficiency using concurrent methods
- Improved read-write operations to reduce redundant operations when using API end points
- This readme file was based on this template
- The REST API with MUX implementation was inspired by this tutorial.
Created by @sarthak815 - feel free to contact me!
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.