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At - The AT Protocol for Social Networking


use At;
my $at = At->new( host => 'https://fun.example' );
$at->server_createSession( 'sanko', '1111-aaaa-zzzz-0000' );
    repo       => $at->did,
    collection => '',
    record     => { '$type' => '', text => 'Hello world! I posted this via the API.', createdAt => time }


Bluesky is backed by the AT Protocol, a "social networking technology created to power the next generation of social applications." uses perl's new class system which requires perl 5.38.x or better and, like the protocol itself, is still under development.


At::Bluesky is a subclass with the host set to and all the lexicon related to the social networking site included.

App Passwords

Taken from the AT Protocol's official documentation:

For the security of your account, when using any third-party clients, please generate an app password at Settings > Advanced > App passwords.

App passwords have most of the same abilities as the user's account password, but they're restricted from destructive actions such as account deletion or account migration. They are also restricted from creating additional app passwords.

Read their disclaimer here:


The API attempts to follow the layout of the underlying protocol so changes to this module might be beyond my control.

new( ... )

my $at = At->new( host => '' );

Creates an AT client and initiates an authentication session.

Expected parameters include:

  • host - required

    Host for the account. If you're using the 'official' Bluesky, this would be '' but you'll probably want At::Bluesky->new(...) because that client comes with all the bits that aren't part of the core protocol.

resume( ... )

my $at = At->resume( $session );

Resumes an authenticated session.

Expected parameters include:

  • session - required

session( )

my $restore = $at->session;

Returns data which may be used to resume an authenticated session.

Note that this data is subject to change in line with the AT protocol.

admin_deleteCommunicationTemplate( ... )

$at->admin_deleteCommunicationTemplate( 99999 );

Delete a communication template.

Expected parameters include:

  • id - required

    ID of the template.

Returns a true value on success.

admin_disableAccountInvites( ... )

$at->admin_disableAccountInvites( 'did:...' );

Disable an account from receiving new invite codes, but does not invalidate existing codes.

Expected parameters include:

  • account - required

    DID of account to modify.

  • note

    Optional reason for disabled invites.

admin_disableInviteCodes( [...] )

$at->admin_disableInviteCodes( );

$at->admin_disableInviteCodes( accounts => [ ... ] );

Disable some set of codes and/or all codes associated with a set of users.

Expected parameters include:

  • codes

    List of codes.

  • accounts

    List of account DIDs.

admin_createCommunicationTemplate( ... )

$at->admin_createCommunicationTemplate( 'warning_1', 'Initial Warning for [...]', 'You are being alerted [...]' );

Administrative action to create a new, re-usable communication (email for now) template.

Expected parameters include:

  • name - required

    Name of the template.

  • subject - required

    Subject of the message, used in emails.

  • contentMarkdown - required

    Content of the template, markdown supported, can contain variable placeholders.

  • createdBy

    DID of the user who is creating the template.

Returns a true value on success.

admin_deleteAccount( ... )

$at->admin_deleteAccount( 'did://...' );

Delete a user account as an administrator.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

Returns a true value on success.

admin_emitModerationEvent( ..., [...] )

$at->admin_emitModerationEvent( ... );

Take a moderation action on an actor.

Expected parameters include:

  • event - required
  • subject - required
  • createdBy - required
  • subjectBlobCids

Returns a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::modEventView object on success.

admin_enableAccountInvites( ..., [...] )

$at->admin_enableAccountInvites( 'did://...' );

Re-enable an account's ability to receive invite codes.

Expected parameters include:

  • account - required

  • note

    Optional reason for enabled invites.

Returns a true value on success.

admin_getAccountInfo( ..., [...] )

$at->admin_getAccountInfo( 'did://...' );

Get details about an account.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

Returns a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::accountView object on success.

admin_getAccountsInfo( ... )

$at->admin_getAccountsInfo( 'did://...', 'did://...' );

Get details about some accounts.

Expected parameters include:

  • dids - required

Returns an info list of new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::accountView objects on success.

admin_getInviteCodes( [...] )

$at->admin_getInviteCodes( );

$at->admin_getInviteCodes( sort => 'usage' );

Get an admin view of invite codes.

Expected parameters include:

  • sort

    Order to sort the codes: 'recent' or 'usage' with 'recent' being the default.

  • limit

    How many codes to return. Minimum of 1, maximum of 500, default of 100.

  • cursor

Returns a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::server::inviteCode object on success.

admin_getModerationEvent( ... )

$at->admin_getModerationEvent( 77736393829 );

Get details about a moderation event.

Expected parameters include:

  • id - required

Returns a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::modEventViewDetail object on success.

admin_getRecord( ..., [...] )

$at->admin_getRecord( 'at://...' );

Get details about a record.

Expected parameters include:

  • uri - required
  • cid

Returns a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::recordViewDetail object on success.

admin_getRepo( ... )

$at->admin_getRepo( 'did:...' );

Download a repository export as CAR file. Optionally only a 'diff' since a previous revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

Returns a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::repoViewDetail object on success.

admin_getSubjectStatus( [...] )

$at->admin_getSubjectStatus( did => 'did:...' );

Get details about a repository.

Expected parameters include:

  • did
  • uri
  • blob

Returns a subject and, optionally, the takedown reason as a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::statusAttr object on success.

admin_listCommunicationTemplates( )

$at->admin_listCommunicationTemplates( );

Get list of all communication templates.

Returns a list of communicationTemplates as new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::communicationTemplateView objects on success.

admin_queryModerationEvents( [...] )

$at->admin_queryModerationEvents( createdBy => 'did:...' );

List moderation events related to a subject.

Expected parameters should be passed as a hash and include:

  • types

    The types of events (fully qualified string in the format of com.atproto.admin#modEvent...) to filter by. If not specified, all events are returned.

  • createdBy

  • sortDirection

    Sort direction for the events. asc or desc. Defaults to descending order of created at timestamp.

  • createdAfter

    Retrieve events created after a given timestamp.

  • createdBefore

    Retrieve events created before a given timestamp.

  • subject

  • includeAllUserRecords

    If true, events on all record types (posts, lists, profile etc.) owned by the did are returned.

  • limit

    Minimum is 1, maximum is 100, 50 is the default.

  • hasComment

    If true, only events with comments are returned.

  • comment

    If specified, only events with comments containing the keyword are returned.

  • addedLabels

    If specified, only events where all of these labels were added are returned.

  • removedLabels

    If specified, only events where all of these labels were removed are returned.

  • addedTags

    If specified, only events where all of these tags were added are returned.

  • removedTags

    If specified, only events where all of these tags were removed are returned.

  • reportTypes

  • cursor

Returns a list of events as new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::modEventView objects on success.

admin_queryModerationStatuses( [...] )

$at->admin_queryModerationStatuses( comment => 'August' );

List moderation events related to a subject.

Expected parameters include:

  • subject

  • comment

    Search subjects by keyword from comments.

  • reportedAfter

    Search subjects reported after a given timestamp.

  • reportedBefore

    Search subjects reported before a given timestamp.

  • reviewedAfter

    Search subjects reviewed after a given timestamp.

  • reviewedBefore

    Search subjects reviewed before a given timestamp.

  • includeMuted

    By default, we don't include muted subjects in the results. Set this to true to include them.

  • reviewState

    Specify when fetching subjects in a certain state.

  • ignoreSubjects

  • lastReviewedBy

    Get all subject statuses that were reviewed by a specific moderator.

  • sortField

    lastReviewedAt or lastReportedAt, which is the default.

  • sortDirection

    asc or desc, which is the default.

  • takendown

    Get subjects that were taken down.

  • limit

    Minimum of 1, maximum is 100, the default is 50.

  • tags

    List of tags.

  • excludeTags

    List of tags to exclude.

  • cursor

Returns a list of subject statuses as new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::subjectStatusView objects on success.

admin_searchRepos( [...] )

$at->admin_searchRepos( query => 'hydra' );

Find repositories based on a search term.

Expected parameters include:

  • query

  • limit

    Minimum of 1, maximum is 100, the default is 50.

  • cursor

Returns a list of repos as new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::repoView objects on success.

admin_sendEmail( ..., [...] )

$at->admin_sendEmail( recipientDid => 'did:...', senderDid => 'did:...', content => 'Sup.' );

Send email to a user's account email address.

Expected parameters include:

  • recipientDid - required

  • senderDid - required

  • content - required

  • subject

  • comment

    Additional comment by the sender that won't be used in the email itself but helpful to provide more context for moderators/reviewers.

Returns a sent status boolean.

admin_updateAccountEmail( ... )

$at->admin_updateAccountEmail( '', '[email protected]' );

Administrative action to update an account's email.

Expected parameters include:

  • account - required

    The handle or DID of the repo.

  • email - required

Returns a true value on success.

admin_updateAccountHandle( ... )

$at->admin_updateAccountHandle( 'did:...', '' );

Administrative action to update an account's handle.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required
  • handle - required

Returns a true value on success.

admin_updateCommunicationTemplate( ... )

$at->admin_updateCommunicationTemplate( 999999, 'warning_1', 'First Warning for [...]' );

Administrative action to update an existing communication template. Allows passing partial fields to patch specific fields only.

Expected parameters include:

  • id - required

    ID of the template to be updated.

  • name

    Name of the template.

  • contentMarkdown

    Content of the template, markdown supported, can contain variable placeholders.

  • subject

    Subject of the message, used in emails.

  • updatedBy

    DID of the user who is updating the template.

  • disabled


Returns a true value on success.

admin_updateSubjectStatus( ..., [...] )

$at->admin_updateSubjectStatus( ... );

Update the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

Expected parameters include:

  • subject - required
  • takedown

Returns the subject and takedown objects on success.

identity_resolveHandle( ... )

$at->identity_resolveHandle( '' );

Resolves a handle (domain name) to a DID.

Expected parameters include:

  • handle - required

    The handle to resolve.

Returns the DID on success.

identity_updateHandle( ... )

$at->identity_updateHandle( '' );

Updates the current account's handle. Verifies handle validity, and updates did:plc document if necessary. Implemented by PDS, and requires auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • handle - required

    The new handle.

Returns a true value on success.

label_queryLabels( ..., [...] )

$at->label_queryLabels( uriPatterns => 'at://...' );

Find labels relevant to the provided AT-URI patterns. Public endpoint for moderation services, though may return different or additional results with auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • uriPatterns - required

    List of AT URI patterns to match (boolean 'OR'). Each may be a prefix (ending with '*'; will match inclusive of the string leading to '*'), or a full URI.

  • sources

    Optional list of label sources (DIDs) to filter on.

  • limit

    Number of results to return. 250 max. Default is 50.

  • cursor

On success, labels are returned as a list of new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::label objects.

label_subscribeLabels( ..., [...] )

$at->label_subscribeLabels( sub { ... } );

Subscribe to stream of labels (and negations). Public endpoint implemented by mod services. Uses same sequencing scheme as repo event stream.

Expected parameters include:

  • callback - required

    Code reference triggered with every event.

  • cursor

    The last known event seq number to backfill from.

On success, a websocket is initiated. Events we receive include At::Lexicon::com::atproto::label::subscribeLables::labels and At::Lexicon::com::atproto::label::subscribeLables::info objects.

label_subscribeLabels_p( ..., [...] )

$at->label_subscribeLabels_p( sub { ... } );

Subscribe to label updates.

Expected parameters include:

  • callback - required

    Code reference triggered with every event.

  • cursor

    The last known event to backfill from.

On success, a websocket is initiated and a promise is returned. Events we receive include At::Lexicon::com::atproto::label::subscribeLables::labels and At::Lexicon::com::atproto::label::subscribeLables::info objects.

moderation_createReport( ..., [...] )

$at->moderation_createReport( { '$type' => 'com.atproto.moderation.defs#reasonSpam' }, { '$type' => 'com.atproto.repo.strongRef', uri => ..., cid => ... } );

Submit a moderation report regarding an atproto account or record. Implemented by moderation services (with PDS proxying), and requires auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • reasonType - required

    Indicates the broad category of violation the report is for. An At::Lexicon::com::atproto::moderation::reasonType object.

  • subject - required

    An At::Lexicon::com::atproto::admin::repoRef or At::Lexicon::com::atproto::repo::strongRef object.

  • reason

    Additional context about the content and violation.

On success, an id, the original reason type, subject, and reason, are returned as well as the DID of the user making the report and a timestamp.

repo_applyWrites( ..., [...] )

$at->repo_applyWrites( $at->did, [ ... ] );

Apply a batch transaction of repository creates, updates, and deletes. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

Returns a true value on success.

repo_createRecord( ... )

    repo       => $at->did,
    collection => '',
    record     => { '$type' => '', text => "Hello world! I posted this via the API.", createdAt => gmtime->datetime . 'Z' }

Create a single new repository record. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • repo - required

    The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).

  • collection - required

    The NSID of the record collection.

  • record - required

    The record itself. Must contain a $type field.

  • validate

    Can be set to 'false' to skip Lexicon schema validation of record data.

  • swapCommit

    Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.

  • rkey

    The Record Key.

Returns the uri and cid of the newly created record on success.

repo_deleteRecord( ... )

$at->repo_deleteRecord( repo => $at->did, collection => '', rkey => '3kiburrigys27' );

Delete a repository record, or ensure it doesn't exist. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • repo - required

    The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).

  • collection - required

    The NSID of the record collection.

  • rkey

    The Record Key.

  • swapRecord

    Compare and swap with the previous record by CID.

  • swapCommit

    Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.

Returns a true value on success.

repo_describeRepo( ... )

$at->repo_describeRepo( $at->did );

Get information about an account and repository, including the list of collections. Does not require auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • repo - required

    The handle or DID of the repo.

On success, returns the repo's handle, did, a didDoc, a list of supported collections, a flag indicating whether or not the handle is currently valid.

repo_getRecord( ... )

$at->repo_getRecord( repo => $at->did, collection => '', rkey => '3kiburrigys27' );

Get a single record from a repository. Does not require auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • repo - required

    The handle or DID of the repo.

  • collection - required

    The NSID of the record collection.

  • rkey - required

    The Record Key.

  • cid

    The CID of the version of the record. If not specified, then return the most recent version.

Returns the uri, value, and, optionally, cid of the requested record on success.

repo_listRecords( ..., [...] )

$at->repo_listRecords( $at->did, '' );

List a range of records in a repository, matching a specific collection. Does not require auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • repo - required

    The handle or DID of the repo.

  • collection - required

    The NSID of the record type.

  • limit

    The number of records to return.

    Maximum is 100, minimum is 1, default is 50.

  • reverse

    Flag to reverse the order of the returned records.

  • cursor

repo_putRecord( ... )

   $at->repo_putRecord( repo => $at->did, collection => '', rkey => 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa', ... );

Write a repository record, creating or updating it as needed. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • repo - required

    The handle or DID of the repo (aka, current account).

  • collection - required

    The NSID of the record collection.

  • rkey - required

    The Record Key.

  • record - required

    The record to write.

  • validate

    Can be set to 'false' to skip Lexicon schema validation of record data.

  • swapRecord

    Compare and swap with the previous record by CID.

    WARNING: nullable and optional field; may cause problems with golang implementation.

  • swapCommit

    Compare and swap with the previous commit by CID.

Returns the record's uri and cid on success.

repo_uploadBlob( ..., [...] )

$at->repo_uploadBlob( $rawdata );

Upload a new blob, to be referenced from a repository record. The blob will be deleted if it is not referenced within a time window (eg, minutes). Blob restrictions (mimetype, size, etc) are enforced when the reference is created. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • blob - required

  • type

    MIME type

On success, the mime type, size, and a link reference are returned.

server_createSession( ... )

$at->server_createSession( 'sanko', '1111-2222-3333-4444' );

Create an authentication session.

Expected parameters include:

  • identifier - required

    Handle or other identifier supported by the server for the authenticating user.

  • password - required

On success, the access and refresh JSON web tokens, the account's handle, DID and (optionally) other data is returned.

server_describeServer( )

$at->server_describeServer( );

Describes the server's account creation requirements and capabilities. Implemented by PDS.

This method does not require an authenticated session.

Returns a list of available user domains and, optionally, boolean values indicating whether an invite code and/or phone verification are required, and links to the TOS and privacy policy.

server_listAppPasswords( )

$at->server_listAppPasswords( );

List all App Passwords.

Returns a list of passwords as new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::server::listAppPasswords::appPassword objects.

server_getSession( )

$at->server_getSession( );

Get information about the current auth session. Requires auth.

Returns the handle, DID, and (optionally) other data.

server_getAccountInviteCodes( [...] )

$at->server_getAccountInviteCodes( includeUsed => !1 );

Get all invite codes for the current account. Requires auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • includeUsed

    Optional boolean flag.

  • createAvailable

    Controls whether any new 'earned' but not 'created' invites should be created."

Returns a list of At::Lexicon::com::atproto::server::inviteCode objects on success. Note that this method returns an error if the session was authorized with an app password.

server_updateEmail( ..., [...] )

$at->server_updateEmail( '[email protected]' );

Update an account's email.

Expected parameters include:

  • email - required

  • token

    This method requires a token from requestEmailUpdate( ... ) if the account's email has been confirmed.

server_requestEmailUpdate( ... )

$at->server_requestEmailUpdate( 1 );

Request a token in order to update email.

Expected parameters include:

  • tokenRequired - required

    Boolean value.

server_revokeAppPassword( ... )

$at->server_revokeAppPassword( 'Demo App [beta]' );

Revoke an App Password by name.

Expected parameters include:

  • name - required

server_resetPassword( ... )

$at->server_resetPassword( 'fdsjlkJIofdsaf89w3jqirfu2q8docwe', '****************' );

Reset a user account password using a token.

Expected parameters include:

  • token - required
  • password - required

server_resetPassword( ... )

$at->server_resetPassword( 'fdsjlkJIofdsaf89w3jqirfu2q8docwe', '****************' );

Reset a user account password using a token.

Expected parameters include:

  • token - required
  • password - required

server_reserveSigningKey( [...] )

$at->server_reserveSigningKey( 'did:...' );

Reserve a repo signing key, for use with account creation. Necessary so that a DID PLC update operation can be constructed during an account migration. Public and does not require auth; implemented by PDS. NOTE: this endpoint may change when full account migration is implemented.

Expected parameters include:

  • did

    The DID to reserve a key for.

On success, a public signing key in the form of a did:key is returned.

server_requestPasswordReset( [...] )

$at->server_requestPasswordReset( '[email protected]' );

Initiate a user account password reset via email.

Expected parameters include:

  • email - required

server_requestEmailConfirmation( )

$at->server_requestEmailConfirmation( );

Request an email with a code to confirm ownership of email.

server_refreshSession( ... )

$at->server_refreshSession( 'eyJhbGc...' );

Refresh an authentication session. Requires auth using the 'refreshJwt' (not the 'accessJwt').

Expected parameters include:

  • refreshJwt - required

    Refresh token returned as part of the response from server_createSession( ... ).

On success, new access and refresh JSON web tokens are returned along with the account's handle, DID and (optionally) other data.

server_requestAccountDelete( )

$at->server_requestAccountDelete( );

Initiate a user account deletion via email.

server_deleteSession( )

$at->server_deleteSession( );

Delete the current session. Requires auth.

server_deleteAccount( )

$at->server_deleteAccount( );

Delete an actor's account with a token and password. Can only be called after requesting a deletion token. Requires auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required
  • password - required
  • token - required

server_createInviteCodes( ..., [...] )

$at->server_createInviteCodes( 1, 1 );

Create invite codes.

Expected parameters include:

  • codeCount - required

    The number of codes to create. Default value is 1.

  • useCount - required


  • forAccounts

    List of DIDs.

On success, returns a list of new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::server::createInviteCodes::accountCodes objects.

server_createInviteCode( ..., [...] )

$at->server_createInviteCode( 1 );

Create an invite code.

Expected parameters include:

  • useCount - required


  • forAccounts

    List of DIDs.

On success, a new invite code is returned.

server_createAppPassword( ..., [...] )

$at->server_createAppPassword( 'AT Client [release]' );

Create an App Password.

Expected parameters include:

  • name - required

    A short name for the App Password, to help distinguish them.

On success, a new At::Lexicon::com::atproto::server::createAppPassword::appPassword object.

server_createAccount( ..., [...] )

$at->server_createAccount( handle => 'jsmith....', password => '*********' );

Create an account. Implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • handle - required

    Requested handle for the account.

  • email

  • password

    "Initial account password. May need to meet instance-specific password strength requirements.

  • inviteCode

  • did

    Pre-existing atproto DID, being imported to a new account.

  • recoveryKey

    DID PLC rotation key (aka, recovery key) to be included in PLC creation operation.

  • plcOp

    A signed DID PLC operation to be submitted as part of importing an existing account to this instance. NOTE: this optional field may be updated when full account migration is implemented.

On success, JSON web access and refresh tokens, the handle, did, and (optionally) a server defined didDoc are returned.

server_confirmEmail( ... )

$at->server_confirmEmail( '[email protected]', 'idkidkidkidkdifkasjkdfsaojfd' );

Confirm an email using a token from requestEmailConfirmation( ),

Expected parameters include:

  • email - required
  • token - required

sync_getBlocks( ... )

$at->sync_getBlocks( 'did...' );

Get data blocks from a given repo, by CID. For example, intermediate MST nodes, or records. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

  • cids - required

sync_getLatestCommit( ... )

$at->sync_getLatestCommit( 'did...' );

Get the current commit CID & revision of the specified repo. Does not require auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

Returns the revision and cid on success.

sync_getRecord( ..., [...] )

$at->sync_getRecord( 'did...', ... );

Get data blocks needed to prove the existence or non-existence of record in the current version of repo. Does not require auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

  • collection - required


  • rkey - required

    Record Key.

  • commit

    An optional past commit CID.

sync_getRepo( ... )

$at->sync_getRepo( 'did...', ... );

Gets the DID's repo, optionally catching up from a specific revision.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

  • since

    The revision ('rev') of the repo to create a diff from.

sync_listBlobs( ..., [...] )

$at->sync_listBlobs( did => 'did...' , limit => 50 );

List blob CIDso for an account, since some repo revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

  • since

    on of the repo to list blobs since.

  • limit

    Minimum is 1, maximum is 1000, default is 500.

  • cursor

On success, a list of cids is returned and, optionally, a cursor.

sync_listRepos( [...] )

$at->sync_listRepos( limit => 1000 );

Enumerates all the DID, rev, and commit CID for all repos hosted by this service. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS and Relay.

Expected parameters include:

  • limit

    Maximum is 1000, minimum is 1, default is 500.

  • cursor

On success, a list of At::Lexicon::com::atproto::sync::repo objects is returned and, optionally, a cursor.

sync_notifyOfUpdate( ... )

$at->sync_notifyOfUpdate( '' );

Notify a crawling service of a recent update, and that crawling should resume. Intended use is after a gap between repo stream events caused the crawling service to disconnect. Does not require auth; implemented by Relay.

Expected parameters include:

  • hostname - required

    Hostname of the current service (usually a PDS) that is notifying of update.

Returns a true value on success.

sync_requestCrawl( ... )

$at->sync_requestCrawl( '' );

Request a service to persistently crawl hosted repos. Expected use is new PDS instances declaring their existence to Relays. Does not require auth.

Expected parameters include:

  • hostname - required

    Hostname of the current service (eg, PDS) that is requesting to be crawled.

Returns a true value on success.

sync_getBlob( ... )

$at->sync_getBlob( 'did...', ... );

Get a blob associated with a given account. Returns the full blob as originally uploaded. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the account.

  • cid - required

    The CID of the blob to fetch.

sync_subscribeRepos( ... )

$at->sync_subscribeRepos( sub {...} );

Repository event stream, aka Firehose endpoint. Outputs repo commits with diff data, and identity update events, for all repositories on the current server. See the atproto specifications for details around stream sequencing, repo versioning, CAR diff format, and more. Public and does not require auth; implemented by PDS and Relay.

Expected parameters include:

  • cb - required

  • cursor

    The last known event to backfill from.

temp_checkSignupQueue( )


Check accounts location in signup queue.

Returns a boolean indicating whether signups are activated and, optionally, the estimated time and place in the queue the account is on success.

temp_pushBlob( ... )

$at->temp_pushBlob( 'did:...' );

Gets the did's repo, optionally catching up from a specific revision.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

temp_transferAccount( ... )

$at->temp_transferAccount( ... );

Transfer an account. NOTE: temporary method, necessarily how account migration will be implemented.

Expected parameters include:

  • handle - required
  • did - required
  • plcOp - required

temp_importRepo( ... )

$at->temp_importRepo( 'did...' );

Gets the did's repo, optionally catching up from a specific revision.

Expected parameters include:

  • did - required

    The DID of the repo.

temp_requestPhoneVerification( ... )

$at->temp_requestPhoneVerification( '2125551000' );

Request a verification code to be sent to the supplied phone number.

Expected parameters include:

  • phoneNumber - required

    Phone number

Returns a true value on success.

See Also

App::bsky - Bluesky client on the command line

Bluesky on


Copyright (C) Sanko Robinson.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms found in the Artistic License 2. Other copyrights, terms, and conditions may apply to data transmitted through this module.


Sanko Robinson [email protected]