Analysis from Klünemann et al. "Bioaccumulation of therapeutic drugs by human gut bacteria" publication.
Dockerfile provides a recepie to reproduce our setup. A functional docker image with newest code is also avalable from Docker Cloud:
docker pull sandrejev/drugs_bioaccumulation
docker run -it sandrejev/drugs_bioaccumulation bash # to inspect contents of the container
docker run -it sandrejev/drugs_bioaccumulation # To repeat the analysis
- drug_map.csv General information about all the drugs used in this study
- bug_map.csv General information about all the bacteria used in this study
- go_terms.csv List of all GO terms for enrichment testing
- Core gut microbiome [1] composition average abundance and prevalence
- Core gut microbiome [1] cluster-to-strain (taxid) mapping
- kegg.db SQLite file containing information about all human gut bacteria and enzymes present in them taken from KEGG
- exp0growth/ Processed growth curves data (maxOD, lag, mu) collected for all bacteria/drug combinations
- exp0growth/ Relative (to no-drug control) growth curves data (maxOD, lag, mu) collected for all bacteria/drug combinations
- exp1depletion/170511_processingUPLCpeaks_data.clean_aftergrowthmerge_andfixingget.datacleanfunction.RData Data containing depletion of drugs from the media when a species is grown in presence (sample) and without (control) drug
- exp2metabolomics/data.depletionmodeassay_long.csv Drug UPLC measurements in absence (control) and in presence (sample) of species. Data collected from supernatant and total inoculum
- exp2metabolomics/hits.csv Relative drug UPLC measurements. Data collected from supernatant and total inoculum
NMR-based validation of duloxetine bioaccumulation and mass-spectrometry based secreted metabolite analysis
- exp3metabolomics/extraxset.fillden.noInj1.RData Untargeted metabolomics of extracellular composition
- exp3metabolomics/lysxset.fillden.noInj1.RData Untargeted metabolomics of lysed cells
- exp3metabolomics/clickxset.fillden.noInj1.RData Click-chemistry based pull down of duloxetine binding proteins
- exp3metabolomics/KEGG_metabolites_bugs.csv
- exp3metabolomics/KEGG_pathways.csv
- exp3proteomics/Data_all.txt Quantitative abundance of etected proteins
- exp3proteomics/ Uniprot annotation of C. saccharolyticum proteins
- exp4spentmedia/Salivarius_duloxetine.csv Metabolomics data from untargeted metabolomics analysis of E. rectale growth on S. salivarius spent media
- exp5concentration/161118_dilution24h_rep[1-3].xlsx Growth data with different concentration of duloxetine
- exp5concentration/well2species.tsv Sample to condition mapping
- exp6transfers/160916_160907_160823_transferassaydulox.xlsx Metabolomics data collected from Conditioned Media Assay
- exp6transfers/otu_table_wo_mono_normalized_by_gene_copy_mod.csv Metagenomic data for Community assembly assay
- exp6transfers/Sample_map_mod.csv Sample to condition mapping for Community assembly assay
[1] Mende, D. R., Sunagawa, S., Zeller, G. & Bork, P. Accurate and universal delineation of prokaryotic species. Nat. Methods 10, 881–884 (2013).
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