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Snowem is a lightweight live streaming server, based on webrtc technology. Snowem has three built-in subsystems.

  • RESTful Web Service is used for channel management.
  • Websocket Sevrer plays a role of signaling service in WebRTC stack.
  • Media Server is basically SFU in WebRTC stack, it handles ICE protocol and forward media streams among peers.

Check the official site for more details and demo.

Let's start to setup Snowem.

Compile and setup Snowem

Snowem depends on the following libraries to build:

  • libopenssl.
  • libevent with openssl support.
  • libnettle.
  • libsofia-sip-ua.
  • libsrtp.
  • libconfig.
  • libbsd


  • on Ubuntu system, one may install the following packages:
apt-get install libbsd-dev libbsd0 libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev libevent-dev \
libsofia-sip-ua-dev libsofia-sip-ua0 libsrtp0 libsrtp0-dev libnettle6 \
nettle-dev libconfig9 libconfig-dev libbsd0 libbsd-dev
  • for installing libevent 2.1.xx, one may do the following:
tar xfz libevent-2.1.8-stable.tar.gz 
cd libevent-2.1.8-stable
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make && make install

To build Snowem, execute the following commands:

git clone
cd snowem
git submodule init
git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install

The configuration file is written in format of libconfig. To properly configure Snowem, one needs to provide certificates for both built-in websocket server and media server to establishing secure video streams. Basically, it looks like this:

//certificate used by built-in websocket server.
wss_cert_file = "<path-to>/wss_fullchain.pem"
wss_key_file = "<path-to>/wss_privkey.pem"
wss_bind_ip = "<ip_of_websocket_server>"
wss_bind_port = 443
//certificate used by media server.
ice_cert_file = "<path-to>/ice_fullchain.pem"
ice_key_file = "<path-to>/ice_privkey.pem"
// TRACE: 0, INFO: 1, DEBUG: 2, WARN: 3, ERROR: 4, FATAL: 5
log_level = 0

// Recording settings
recording_enabled = 1
recording_folder = "/var/snowem/recordings"

Note: one may find configuration sample file at snowem.conf. To run Snowem, simple execute:

snowem <path-to>/snowem.conf

Quick Demo

Assume snowem server runs on ip address x.y.z.t. Login to that server, if you do not have nodejs and express framework, install them:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Download demp application from javascript sdkand modify js/app.js to point to correct Snowem server by setting 'wss_ip' to x.y.z.t.

git clone
cd sdkjs
npm install
node index.js

Open chrome browser on https://x.y.z.t:8000. Enjoy the demo.

Quick Start

Steps to integrate video streams using javascript sdk.

Step 1: Integrate directly SnowSDK javascript sdk into your web application.
When SnowSDK is loaded, it invokes snowAsyncInit if it is defined. Once it is called, you can initlialize SnowSDK with init function. The init function requires domain name or ip address of Snowem Websocket Service.

// put these lines in your html code.
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/adapter.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/snowsdk.js"></script>
window.snowAsyncInit = function() {
  var config = { 
    'ip': "your-wss-ip",
    'port': 443

function start_app() {
  // start your code here

Step 2: Create Stream object.
Stream object is used to capture media content from camera or html video tag.

var config = {
  'audio': true,
  'video': true
 var stream = new SnowSDK.Stream(config);

Step 3: Create a channel and publish/play a stream Channel object is used to communicate with snowem server. Once a channel is obtained, local stream can be published on it or remote stream can be locally played.

function onSuccess(channel) {
  // channel object contain all needed info, see docs for details
  channel.listen("onConnected", function() {
   // after successfully connecting to snowem server, a stream can be published on the channel.

  channel.listen("onAddStream", function(stream) {
   // stream object contain media stream which can be play by;

  channel.listen("onRemoveStream", function(stream) {
   // stream object to be removed.
  // connect channel to snowem server.
function onError(resp) {
  console.log("resp: " + resp);
var config = { 
  'name': "test",
  'type': "conference",
  'key': "none"
SnowSDK.createChannel(config, onSuccess, onError);

Further Resource

Check out our javascript sdk here for more examples.
For full documentation, check here.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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