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The simple elegant way to send emails from a Sails application

Getting Started

npm i sails-hook-mail --save


In your Sails action you can use the send helper like so:

await sails.helpers.mail.send.with({
  subject: 'Verify your email',
  template: 'email-verify-account',
  templateData: {
    token: user.emailProofToken,
    fullName: user.fullName


Mail supports a couple of mailers including:

  • log
  • SMTP

To use Mail, create a config/mail.js and specify your default mailer as well as the mailers you'd like to support in your Sails application like so:

module.exports.mail = {
  default: process.env.MAIL_MAILER || 'log',
  mailers: {
    smtp: {
      transport: 'smtp'
    log: {
      transport: 'log'
  from: {
    address: process.env.MAIL_FROM_ADDRESS || '[email protected]',
    name: process.env.MAIL_FROM_NAME || 'The Boring JavaScript Stack'


To use the log mailer, set the default property of config/mail.js to log and make sure you have a log mailer under the mailers object.

Sails will log your email to the console


To use SMTP as a mailer set it as the default in config/mail.js and also install the peer dependency nodemailer:

npm i nodemailer --save

Then in your config/local.js you can provide the SMTP credentials like so:

// config/local.js
smtp: {
  host: 'HOST',
  username: 'USERNAME',
  password: 'PASSWORD'