Pick randomly pictures from a directory path and join them to a 2560x1440 collage
brew install imagemagick
brew install ghostscript
gem install bundler
bundle config set path 'vendor'
bundle config set with 'development'
bundle install
brew unlink imagemagick
brew install imagemagick@6 && brew link imagemagick@6 --force
sudo pacman -S imagemagick ghostscript
bundle config set path 'vendor'
bundle config set with 'development'
bundle install
Usage: wallcollage2.rb [-qp]
-q, --quantity # The quantity to include in the collage.
-p, --path # The path to the picture folder.
-w, --width # The width of the collage. Defaults to 2560.
-h, --height # The height of the collage. Defaults to 1440.
-r, --resolution # Preset of resolutions.
-d, --debug # Activate to get some debug information.
The path cannot inlcude spaces in folder names!
bundle exec ruby wallcollage2.rb -p /Users/Rob/Pictures/dump/ -q 19
bundle exec ruby wallcollage2.rb -p /Users/Rob/Pictures/dump/ -q 10 -r 4k
bundle exec ruby wallcollage2.rb -p /Users/Rob/Pictures/dump/ -q 10 -r mbp -d
bundle exec ruby wallcollage2.rb -p /Users/Rob/Pictures/dump/ -q 10 -w 1024 -h 768
The images will be resize to fill a sub-resolution of the whole collage. This will conclude in a collage of 2560x1440. Pick the images from the out/ directory
Support for jpg and png only. Preferred picture format should be portrait style. (Best are images with width < height)