This is a discrete package of tools to help with various data operations based on a single schema.json file.
- Automatically generate a REST API.
- Serialize/CRUD schema objects to and from a database.
- Automatically generate DB migration files to manage the data model.
Each feature can be used independently from the others.
npm i --save api-data-tools
Three tools you can use:
import http from 'http';
import { RestAPI } from 'api-data-tools';
let api = new RestAPI();
const apiServer = http.createServer((req, res) => {
api.handle(req, res);
import { DataMapper } from 'api-data-tools';
let data = { someData: "update" };'modelName', data);
(public interface incomplete, but works) The way to do this right now is by making these npm scripts, ie:
"schema": "node node_modules/api-data-tools/build/generateMigrations.js --config=config --schema-file=config/schema.json --migrations-dir=scripts/migrations",
"migrate": "npm run schema && db-migrate up --migrations-dir=scripts/migrations"
Then run:
npm run migrate
anytime you make a change to schema.json.
...and more to come (see
Add a config directory to the project. Inside this, add a config file with some parameters for whichever featues you'd like to use.
At least specify the database connection and the folder where you'd like the migrations generated:
"database": {
"driver": "mysql",
"host": "",
"user": "user",
"password": "password",
"database": "yourdatabase",
"multipleStatements": true
"migrationPath": "scripts/migrations",
You can also add options for the API generation:
"apiEnabled": true,
"autoRegisterRoutes": true,
Then, also add a schema.json file to this directory, defining your schema. See examples folder for example schemas. This uses the node-db-migrate property types, and the standard JSON sp ecification, ie:
"users": {
"properties": {
"id": {
"type": "int" ,
"primaryKey": true,
"autoIncrement": true
"name": "string",
"email": {
"type": "email",
"isIndex": true
"cityId": {
"type": "int",
"foreignKey": {
"name": "users_city_city_id_fk",
"table": "cities",
"rules": {
"onDelete": "CASCADE",
"onUpdate": "RESTRICT"
"mapping": "id"
"registered": "datetime",
"role": {
"enum": ["user", "superuser", "admin"]
"required": [
"name", "email", "registered", "role"
"api": {
"generate": true
Notice there is an additional "api" property to specify whether you want to automatically generate the API for a specific type, if that feature is used.
For reference: Data types:
To automatically generate a REST API in your application, ie. vanilla node:
import http from 'http';
import { RestAPI } from 'api-data-tools';
let api = new RestAPI();
function requestHandler(req, res) {
api.handle(req, res);
const apiServer = http.createServer(requestHandler);
This will automatically create CRUD endpoints per your object schema defined in schema.json. For instance, if you have a user object, you will have a CRUD endpoint at which accepts a JSON body according to the schema:
GET,POST,PUT,DELETE http://localhost:8080/user/:id
Or within an Express-like application, just pass the API handler as a middleware, ie:
import * as express from 'express';
import { RestAPI } from 'api-data-tools';
let app = express();
let api = new RestAPI();
This module will allow you to serialize objects to the database according to the project's schema file.
Example usage:
import { DataMapper } from 'api-data-tools'
// Get an object of type user:
let user = await DataMapper.get('users', { id: 21 });
// Create or update an object of type user:
let user = await'users', { ...userProperties });
This all works, but the commands need some aliases into the public interface. For now, you can work around it as described below.
You can copy the built scripts/generateMigrations.js file, or refer to it manually on your global or project-based node-modules/api-tools/build/generateMigrations.js.
Run this command to generate new migrations files from the current schema.json file. This command will make a backup file calleed '.curr.schema.json' to compare any new schema changes to:
"CONFIG_PATH=config/ node scripts/generateMigrations.js",
"migrate": "db-migrate up --config=config/database.json --migrations-dir=scripts/migrations"
(Note: Currently only MySQL-based databases will work, but is extensible and easily adaptable to others)
db-migrate up --config=config/database.json --migrations-dir=scripts/migrations