Example of how to make a python package out of a Rust library implementation, using the pyo3 library.
To make python package:
python3 setup.py sdist
To install as a python package you will need to have the Rust toolchain installed, to compile the library for your architecture.
Install Rust as recommended by https://rustup.rs/.
It was required to have Rust on nightly when I did this (when rust nightly was at 1.35, and stable on 1.33) so if it still is enable nightly with
rustup default nightly
Also you will need to install the required python3 modules, but just do that with pip3 if you get an error about 'no module found'.
Then run setup.py to install the package
python3 setup.py install --user
Finally import the module in a python script like a normal library, and run functions with
from rust_python_package_example import module_example
module_example.print_info("Hello World from Rust!")
To run tests, simply issue the command:
cargo test