: simple Readthedocs CLI
pip install rtd-cli
# Set this env var, or write the token to ~/.config/rtd-cli/token
rtd --help
# Usage: rtd [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
# Simple CLI wrapper for the Readthedocs REST API.
# Options:
# --help Show this message and exit.
# Commands:
# api Make a request to the Readthedocs REST API.
# deactivate Deactivate one or more versions
# hide Hide one or more versions
rtd api --help
# Usage: rtd api [OPTIONS] ENDPOINT
# Make a request to the Readthedocs REST API.
# RTD API docs: https://docs.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/v3.html
# Options:
# -b, --body TEXT JSON string to send in the body of a PATCH request; if
# absent, a GET request is sent
# -u, --show-updated After a PATCH request (with -b/--body), send a GET to
# the same endpoint, to verify the updated state of the
# resource
# --help Show this message and exit.
List projects:
rtd api projects
# {
# "count": …,
# "next": null,
# "previous": null,
# "results": [
# …
# ]
# }
Hide all versions except for a specific list:
keep=(latest 1.11.) # grep patterns to keep
# Exclude `keep` patterns above, when calling `rtd hide` below
for v in "${keep[@]}"; do
grep_args+=(-e "$v")
rtd api "projects/$project/versions?limit=$limit&active=true&built=true" \
| jq -r '.results[] | select(.hidden | not) | .slug' \
| grep "${grep_args[@]}" \
| xargs rtd hide -p $p