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Udacity Project: Multi-User Blog

This is part of an assignment in the Full-Stack-course at Udacity. The goal is to create a multi-user-blog, deployed using Google App Engine.

THe project can be seen at



  • Install Google App Engine SDK
  • Also, py-bcrypt by erlichmen is needed, but I have included the currect version of it as of writing inside the lib-folder. This uses bcrypt, which is more secure. However, since Google App Engine does only allow native python, we cannot use the standard bcrypt-library which is a lot faster than this. I`m using it here more for a proof-of-concept for myself. For more information, see the link above.

To run the project, clone it and terminal into the directory and do the following command: .

1 Create a Basic Blog

  • Blog must include the following features:
    • Front page that lists blog posts.
    • A form to submit new entries.
    • Blog posts have their own page.

2: Add User Registration

  • Have a registration form that validates user input, and displays the error(s) when necessary.
  • After a successful registration, a user is directed to a welcome page with a greeting, “Welcome, [User]” where [User] is a name set in a cookie.
  • If a user attempts to visit the welcome page without being signed in (without having a cookie), then redirect to the Signup page.

3: Add Login

  • Have a login form that validates user input, and displays the error(s) when necessary.
  • After a successful login, the user is directed to the same welcome page from Step 2.

4: Add Logout

  • Have a logout form that validates user input, and displays the error(s) when necessary.
  • After logging out, the cookie is cleared and user is redirected to the Signup page from Step 2.

5: Add Other Features on Your Own

  • Users should only be able to edit/delete their posts. They receive an error message if they disobey this rule.
  • Users can like/unlike posts, but not their own. They receive an error message if they disobey this rule.
  • Users can comment on posts. They can only edit/delete their own posts, and they should receive an error message if they disobey this rule.

6: Final Touches

  • Create a file explaining how to run your code.
  • Refactor your code so it is well structured, well commented, and conforms to the Python Style Guide.
  • Make sure your project conforms to the rubric.
  • Deploy your app to using gcloud app deploy.
  • Submit your project.
  • Revise your project and resubmit as necessary.
  • Pat yourself on the back!


Udacity project






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