The "vscode-dfdl"extension.provides auto completion for Data Format Description Language (DFDL) schemas.
Auto suggest is triggered using control space or typing the beginning characters of an item.
Typing one or more unique characters will further limit the results.
Completing a DFDL Format Block.
The '>' or '/' characters are used to close and XML tag. Typing the initial characters and one or more unique characters will further limit the results. Use the Tab to select an item from the drop down and to exit double quotes
Creating self define dfdl:complextypes and dfdl:simpleTypes.
The tab key can be used to complete an auto-complete item within an XML tag. After auto complete is triggered, typing the initial character or characters will limit the suggestion results. Inside an XML tag a space or carriage return will trigger a list of context sensitive attribute suggestions.
Using xs:choice and dfdl:Discriminator.
Using hidden references and dfdl:inputValueCalc
More examples of using user defined types
Using the dfdl:Length attribute with XPath values
Node.js ( VS Code (
Open a terminal window in VS Code. Run: npm install typescript
After TypeScript is installed. Run: npm run watch
Watch will automatically compile code when it changes After watch runs, fix any problems in the Problems tab
Run the extension in debug mode
In a VS Code terminal window, run: npm install -g vsce
After the vsce install completes, run: vsce package
to the three warnings type 'y'.
The package vscode-dfdl-0.0.1.vsix should be in the project director.
Close VS Code if it is open. From an OS Command line, run: code --install-extension "path to vsix file"\vscode-dfdl-0.0.1.vsix
Re-open VS Code, open the pallet (ctrl+shift+P) select or type 'Change Language Mode' choose 'dfdl'
The extension uses a clunky method to auto complete curly braces within quotes. Hopefully this can be better addressed in the future. The auto complete method blocks auto completion suggestions while typing between the beginning qoute, opening curly brace and the closing curly brace, ending quote.
Syntax and semantic colorization isn't implemented.
First beta release. Feedback is appreciated.