Master repository has moved to gitlab, all new code will be there:
What's in the box when you generate a new app:
- Rails 5.1
- ActiveRecord + PostgreSQL or Mongoid 6
- Elasticsearch (optional)
- RailsAdmin
- Webpack via webpack-rails with fully customizeable webpack.config.js
- JS packages via package.json
- Capistrano deploy (including puma and webpack)
- Puma in production and in development
- Basic windows support (development env only)
- Basic CMS models and controllers (Pages + SEO, News, Contact form with mailer, menu)
- Basic SEO optimization functionality, including editing meta and OG tags
- Optimized admin interface, including editing pages and menu
- Menu via SimpleNavigation
- Ckeditor with image upload support
- L10n and i18n support
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rocket_cms_mongoid'
gem 'rocket_cms_activerecord'
Or, if you don't need CKeditor, GeoCoder, mongoid-audit\paper_trail:
gem 'rocket_cms_mongoid_light'
gem 'rocket_cms_activerecord_light'
Only PostgreSQL is tested or supported for AR. Others will probably work, but untested.
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rocket_cms
For activerecord, generate migrations and run them
rails g rails_admin_settings:migration
rails g rocket_cms:migration
rake db:migrate
Make sure you have rails 5.1 installed
rails -v
If not, uninstall rails and install again
gem uninstall rails
gem install rocket_cms
Then, for mongoid:
rails new my_app -T -O -m --skip-spring --skip-javascript
for ActiveRecord:
rails new my_app -T --database=postgresql -m --skip-spring --skip-javascript
generator creates a new RVM gemset, so after cd'ing to app dir, you should run bundle install
again if you use rvm.
Development mode template:
rails new my_app -T --database=postgresql -m /data/rocket_cms/template.rb --skip-spring --skip-javascript
All models included in the gem support localization via either hstore_translate or built-in Mongoid localize: true option.
You can get a nice admin UI for editing locales by adding rails_admin_hstore_translate or rails_admin_mongoid_localize_field
Add to: app/models/page.rb
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
include RocketCMS::Models::Page
RocketCMS.apply_patches self
rails_admin &RocketCMS.page_config
def regexp_prefix
Wrap your routes with locale scope:
scope "(:locale)", locale: /en|ru/ do
get 'contacts' => 'contacts#new', as: :contacts
post 'contacts' => 'contacts#create', as: :create_contacts
Add to application_controller.rb:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
include RocketCMS::Controller
include RsLocalizeable
Enable localization in RocketCMS:
RocketCMS.configure do |rc|
rc.news_image_styles = {small: '107x126#'}
rc.contacts_captcha = true
rc.contacts_message_required = true
rc.localize = true
Add rails_admin_translate
gem 'rails_admin_translate'
And, for ActiveRecord a translation gem you wish to use (mongoid should work with built-in localization):
gem 'json_translate'
gem 'globalize'
Create your models, or, if adding localization to existing app, migrate your locale data.
Example for globalize (needs adjustment):
class AddTranslations < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
reversible do |dir|
dir.up do
I18n.with_locale(:ru) do
name: :string,
content: :text,
}, {
migrate_data: true,
#remove_source_columns: true,
name: :string,
excerpt: :string,
content: :text,
}, {
migrate_data: true,
#remove_source_columns: true,
h1: :string,
title: :string,
keywords: :text,
description: :text,
og_title: :string,
}, {
migrate_data: true,
#remove_source_columns: true,
dir.down do
I18n.with_locale(:ru) do
[Page, News, Menu, Seo].drop_translation_table!(migrate_data: true)
Example for json_translate (needs adjustment):
class AddLocales < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.1]
def change
add_column :pages, :name_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :pages, :content_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :news, :name_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :news, :excerpt_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :news, :content_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :menus, :name_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :seos, :h1_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :seos, :title_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :seos, :keywords_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :seos, :description_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
add_column :seos, :og_title_translations, :jsonb, default: {}
reversible do |dir|
dir.up do
execute "UPDATE pages SET name_translations = json_build_object('ru', \"name\")"
execute "UPDATE pages SET content_translations = json_build_object('ru', \"content\")"
execute "UPDATE news SET name_translations = json_build_object('ru', \"name\")"
execute "UPDATE news SET content_translations = json_build_object('ru', \"content\")"
# etc
dir.down do
raise 'irreversible'
then drop old fields, or you will have errors with required fields being null
class DropLocale < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.2]
def change
remove_column :pages, :name
remove_column :pages, :content
remove_column :news, :name
remove_column :news, :excerpt
remove_column :news, :content
remove_column :menus, :name
remove_column :seos, :h1
remove_column :seos, :title
remove_column :seos, :keywords
remove_column :seos, :description
remove_column :seos, :og_title
rails g rocket_cms:capify domain_name
# (path /data/:user/app/ - rocket science default)
designed to be used together with our ansible app setup script.
bundle exec rocket_cms_capify Games
It's basically Rails Admin + some of our common models and controllers, capistrano config, etc.
See their documentation for more info
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request