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Upvest Elixir

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Elixir library for the Upvest API.

In order to retrieve your API credentials for using this Go client, you'll need to sign up with Upvest.


If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding upvest to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:upvest, "~> 0.1.0"}

Alternatively, you can install the library by a particular commit reference:

def deps do
    {:upvest, git: "", ref: "commit ref here"}


Where possible, the services available on the client groups the API into logical chunks and correspond to the structure of the Upvest API documentation.

All tenancy related operations must be authenticated using the API Keys Authentication, whereas all actions on a user's behalf need to be authenticated via OAuth. The API calls are built along with those two authentication objects.

All API calls return either {:ok, response} or {:error, error}, and where possible succesful response are transformed into Elixir structs mapped to the corresponding Upvest API resource.

Tenancy API - API Keys Authentication

The Upvest API uses the notion of tenants, which represent customers that build their platform upon the Upvest API. The end-users of the tenant (i.e. your customers), are referred to as clients. A tenant is able to manage their users directly and is also able to initiate actions on the user's behalf (create wallets, send transactions).

alias Upvest.Client
alias Upvest.Authentication.KeyAuth
alias Upvest.Tenancy.User

keyauth = %KeyAuth{
    api_key: your_api_key,
    api_secret: your_api_secret,
    api_passphrase: your_api_passphrase

client =

# create a user
with {:ok, user} <- User.create(client, username, password) do
    # do something with new user created
    {:error, error} ->
    # handle the error

# list users
{:ok, users} = User.list(client)

# retrieve 200 users
{:ok, users} = User.list_n(client, 200)

# change password
{:ok, user} = User.change_password(client, username, current_password, new_password)

Clientele API - OAuth Authentication

The authentication via OAuth allows you to perform operations on behalf of your user. For more information on the OAuth concept, please refer to our documentation. Again, please retrieve your client credentials from the Upvest account management.

Next, create a Client with your Upvest OAuth in order to authenticate your API calls on behalf of a user:

alias Upvest.Client
alias Upvest.Authentication.OAuth
alias Upvest.Clientele.Wallet

oauth = %OAuth{
  client_id: client_id,
  client_secret: client_secret,
  username: your_users_username,
  password: your_users_password

# If you already have a client created with a key auth
# you can create a new oauth client from that by changing the auth param
client = %{client | auth: oauth}

# alternatively, client =

with {:ok, wallet} <- Wallet.create(client, user_password, asset_id) do
  # handle new wallet created
  {:error, error} ->
    # handle error

Error handling

In case there is an error, the response is {:error, error} where error is one of:

  • Upvest.APIConnectionError
  • Upvest.AuthenticationError
  • Upvest.InvalidRequestError
  • Upvest.PermissionError
  • Upvest.APIError

For example, using already taken username will return the error:

   code: 409,
   details: [
       "domain" => "clientele",
       "location" => "username",
       "locationType" => "parameter",
       "message" => "Duplicate Value",
       "reason" => "duplicateValue"
   message: "User with given username exists already",
   type: "api_error"

Building docs

$ MIX_ENV=docs mix docs

Running tests

Clone the repo and fetch its dependencies:

$ git clone
$ cd upvest-elixir
$ mix do deps.get, compile
$ mix test


  1. Code must be nicely formatted: mix format

  2. All types, structs and functions should be documented.

  3. Ensure that mix test succeeds.

  4. Set up config settings via environment variables, ideally in a .env file you can source:

    # Set your tenancy API key information here.
    export API_KEY=xxxx
    export API_SECRET=xxxx
    export API_PASSPHRASE=xxxx
    # Set your OAuth2 client information here.
    export OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID=xxxx
    export OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET=xxxx


Run all tests:

mix test

Run a single test:

mix test test/wallet_test.exs


For a comprehensive reference, check out the Upvest documentation.

For details on all the functionality in this library, see the HexDocs documentation.


Elixir library for Upvest API







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