This is a port of the original X-CUBE-DSPDEMO project (can be found on the on the popular low cost STM32F407VET6 "blackboard", which is equipped with the ILI9341 LED display and the TSC2046 (HR2046 clone) touch screen:
BSP-wise original discovery and chineese "blackboard" are different, so only BSP/Components/ili9341 driver was taken which was significantly changed.
"Middlewares" folder was renamed to "Middleware" because stupid STM32CubeMX has a bug which deletes the folder.
The Drivers/CMSIS was taken from the STM32CubeF4 project (can be found on
I prefer sources from the github (rather than tarball), seems more up-to-date and easy to track changes, so the whole CMSIS was copied from the STM32CubeF4 project.
This port differes from the original ST version of the X-CUBE-DSPDEMO as follows:
- BSP for the ILI9341 LED display, FSMC bus
- BSP for the TSC2046 (HR2046 clone) touch screen, SPI interface
- Periphery (ADC, DAC, GPIO, RTC, SPI, FSMC, Clocks) configuration using the STM32CubeMX, so that project can be regenerated each time
- Refactoring of the FFT processing, DAC and ADC conversion
- Makefile tweaks, which enables DSP support (ARM_MATH_CM4 defines) and adds additional sources and includes