Copyright 2020 House2House BSD-3-Clause
House to House Management Software eg. Cleaning Services
"rossaddison\yii2-house2house": "*",
Clone repository, install composer from composer.org and run the following command at the web root command prompt or click on up8.bat in the web root:
composer update
Create databases 0 to 10 adapting common/config/main-local.php. Use utf8mb4_unicode_ci.
Identify the following commands in console/config/main.php
Console/command prompt command setting up admininstrator's database db ie. database 0.
yii migrate-db-namespaced
Console/command prompt command populate databases 1 to 10
yii migrate-db1 yii migrate-db2
Insert frontend/config/main.php Swiftmailer settings to signup first user.
Signup first user who will automatically be made active as administrator.
Signup addtional users. The administrator will have to be make them active.