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Automatic fuzzing for ROS 2

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An automatic fuzzing tool for ROS 2 C++ projects. The tool comprises two different commands: auto_detector and ros2_fuzzer.


Install the ros_automatic_fuzzer folder with pip:

pip3 install -e ros2_automatic_fuzzer

Alternatively, start the command, which spawn a Docker container with both the examples and the tool.


  1. Navigate to your ROS working space.
  2. Run auto_detector. This generates a fuzz.yaml file with TODO gaps.
  3. Fill the missing TODOs in the fuzz.yaml file and complete it.
  4. Run ros2_fuzzer and follow the instructions.
  5. Add the generated fuzzers to their CMakeLists.txt.
  6. Make a clean build with the CC and CXX environment variables pointing to AFL.
  7. Run the AFL fuzzers.

Check the following sections for detailed instructions for each step.

Step 2. The auto_detector command

The auto_detector command generates a YAML file called fuzz.yaml which contains descriptions for three types of artifacts: topics, services, and action servers. The detection process relies on regular expressions in C++, and therefore it is not bullet-proof.

Optional arguments:

  • --path PATH. The path where to search for ROS artifacts. By default it is the working directory.

Optional flags:

  • -f or --overwrite to force overwriting the file.
  • -v or --verbose to increase the output verbosity.

Typical bash invocation:


Step 3. The YAML format

The fuzz.yaml file contains descriptions for topics, services, and action servers. Some of the fields can be automatically extracted in the previous step thanks to the auto_detector command, but others must be manually introduced. There may be TODO blanks that must be filled.

The format is simple: there are three optional categories: topics, services and actions. Each of those is a dictionary, with the keys being the name of the artifact. Each artifact contains the following descriptors:

  • headers_file (compulsory). A string pointing to the hpp file where the type of the artifact is defined (the topic type, the service type, or the action type). Sometimes it can be directly inferred.
  • source (compulsory). A relative path to the fuzz.yaml file where the artifact to be fuzzed is located. It must be a C++ source code file.
  • type (compulsory). The type of the fuzzed artifact. It must conform to the ros2 interface show syntax. That is, with :: as a separator and providing the full type. Correct examples are example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts and std_msgs::msg::String, but not example_interfaces/srv/AddTwoInts nor String.
  • parameters (optional). A list with all the parameters of the artifact. It can be inferred with the auto_detector command.

Follows a concrete example. You can also check the syntax that is followed in the YAML schema, which all fuzz.yaml files must conform to.

    headers_file: std_msgs/msg/string.hpp
    source: src/publisher_subscriber_example/src/publisher_member_function.cpp
    type: std_msgs::msg::String
    parameters: []
    headers_file: std_msgs/msg/string.hpp
    source: src/parameters_example_package/src/fuzz_target.cpp
    type: std_msgs::msg::String
    parameters: []
    headers_file: example_interfaces/srv/add_two_ints.hpp
    node_name: minimal_subscriber
    source: src/parameters_example_package/src/add_two_ints_server.cpp
    type: example_interfaces::srv::AddTwoInts
    parameters: []
    headers_file: tutorial_interfaces/srv/add_three_ints.hpp
    source: src/client_service_example/src/add_three_ints_server.cpp
    type: tutorial_interfaces::srv::AddThreeInts
    parameters: []

Step 4. The ros2_fuzzer command

It consumes the fuzz.yaml file to generate C++ fuzzers for the selected artifacts. It allows generating fuzzers for all or some of them. Simply follow the steps on the screen. It may require calling ros2 interface show, and thus sourcing the ROS setup bash (with . install/setup.bash) may be required.

Optional arguments:

  • --path PATH. The path where to search for a fuzz.yaml file. By default it is on the working directory.

Optional flags:

  • -v or --verbose to increase the output verbosity.

Typical bash invocation:


Step 5. Adding the fuzzers to the CMakeLists.txt files

The ros2_fuzzer command generates files of the *_generated.cpp form, which have to be linked to their CMakeList.txt files to be compiled.

For example, for the following fuzz.yaml file:

    headers_file: tutorial_interfaces/srv/add_three_ints.hpp
    source: src/client_service_example/src/add_three_ints_server.cpp
    type: tutorial_interfaces::srv::AddThreeInts
    parameters: []

The following code can be added into its CMakeLists.txt file (the generated_fuzzer keyword can be changed):

add_executable(generated_fuzzer src/add_three_ints_server_generated.cpp)
ament_target_dependencies(generated_fuzzer rclcpp tutorial_interfaces)
install(TARGETS generated_fuzzer DESTINATION lib/${PROJECT_NAME})

Step 6. Rebuilding with AFL

To fuzz your C++ artifacts, it is necessary to recompile the projects so that they include instrumentalization annotations on the byte code to be used in the fuzzing search. We have decided to use AFL, an state-of-the-art fuzzer backed by Google.

If you haven't done so, you can install AFL with

apt install afl

To use it, set the CC and CXX environment variables to point to AFL and build the projects. We add the --cmake-clean-cache flag to prevent stale build files. Of course, you can use a more sofisticated way to build your projects, but make sure that the AFL's instrumentalization takes place.

export CC=afl-gcc
export CXX=afl-g++
colcon build --cmake-clean-cache

Step 7. Running the fuzzers

Navigate to install/<package>/lib/<package>/, where <package> is the name of your ROS package (or wherever the installation files are placed) and start the fuzzing search.

The command requires an inputs/ folder, with some files with content. You can use random values extracted from /dev/urandom, for instance:

mkdir inputs
head -c 50 /dev/urandom > inputs/input0.txt

Now execute the afl-fuzz command (from AFL). Use the name of the executable found in that folder (try an ls) as the last parameter. The example shown in step #5 would be fuzzed with the following command:

afl-fuzz -i inputs/ -o outputs/ -m none -- ./generated_fuzzer

You should just change the generated_fuzzer execution file to yours to make AFL work.





Supported by ROSIN - ROS-Industrial Quality-Assured Robot Software Components. More information:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 732287.