This repository contains the ROS simulated system used to demonstrate the application of the Metacontrol framework presented in This paper
In this simulation, a simple navigation task is given to a bridgeback mobile base controlled with the standard ROS navigation stack. A metacontrol subsystem uses a model of available configurations and associated launch files of the navigation stack to reconfigure at runtime the move_node
when certain quality criteria (non-functional requirements) related to safety and energy are not met.
In the following instructions we assume that the ROS workspace is called metacontrol_ws
, but you can give it any name you want.
mkdir -p ~/metacontrol_ws/src
cd ~/metacontrol_ws
wstool init src
rosdep install --from-paths ./src -y -i -r --skip-keys="abb_rws_interface"
catkin b
source devel/setup.bash
The code can be built using the standard catkin build
cd ~/metacontrol_ws
source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
catkin build
source devel/setup.bash
Simply run the following launch file:
roslaunch metacontrol_sim metacontrol_sim_reasoner.launch
You should be able to see an RViz instance where you can follow the navigation of the mobile robot. In the terminal where you executed the launchfile, you should see a very verbose output of the execution of the nodes that constiture the metacontrol subsystem.