A experiment at making an explorer with reasonable information density, surfacing the essentials by default while allowing deep dive Inspired by https://github.com/samczsun/ethereum-transaction-viewer-frontend
Area of work:
- Almost all transactions contain token transfers, put particular care on displaying that data specifically
- Do i really need to see all accounts at all times, account metas and other details? Hide by default what is only necessary for a deep debugging session
- Parse with decoders and IDLs but that doesn't make it the final ingestable output, give a high level extract
- Try to reduce repetitions and instead make the layout speak for itself
Pages of focus for now
- Account with related transactions
- Transaction
Once this comes to mainnet validators remove the hack used to rebuild stack_height solana-labs/solana#28430
curl 'https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com/' \
-H 'content-type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{"method":"getTransaction","jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["3KktLw5mbmiVW7733zpAy5sVZg8EA6oDZ6nRWSWSPqDh3zDr7tzuCT6gxHj9vDh2jJHdXtMnex2sstnwdh1xvGFA",{"encoding":null,"commitment":"confirmed","maxSupportedTransactionVersion":0}]}'
To compare with etherscan or samczun's viewer
Other solana Txs:
depth of 3 for CPI https://solscan.io/tx/2k9ruymuLBwtHh4deW7GufU2WTuB2G6kZpvEUyfVaYsV16dmDTFA1X6WJAW7LjWMiZPcz7JPmsscmGsHKXJzAcJo