A tensor tree linear algebra package in C++ designed for quantum dynamics and machine learning applications.
There are different ways to install QuTree library and corresponding executables. The easiest way to try out the executables would be to use a Docker container. You can always install QuTree from source.
To obtain a Docker container with precompiled executables, type:
docker pull mtzgroup/qutree:latest
To run the executables in Docker:
# Example 1: running an mctdh example
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-v $(pwd)/examples/mctdh:/app \
mtzgroup/qutree:latest \
mctdh portfolioOptimization.nasdaq.25.yaml
# Example 2: mount your own input dir, then run mctdh interactively
mkdir my-inputs
docker run \
-it \
--rm \
-v $(pwd)/my-inputs:/app \
# You can run `mctdh {input.yaml} > {output.txt}` inside the container.
To install QuTree using HomeBrew (on OS X) or LinuxBrew (on Linux), run:
brew tap sseritan/qu-tree
brew install qu-tree
Developers can get access to the cutting-edge package by using the --HEAD
flag to install directly from the HEAD of master.
Subsequent builds can be upgraded by using the --fetch-HEAD
brew install --HEAD qu-tree
Subsequent builds can be upgraded by using the --fetch-HEAD
brew upgrade --fetch-HEAD qu-tree
For instructions on how to install from source, check out our documentation.
QuTree can be used as a library or via it's standalone applications like the multiconfigurational timedependent Hartree (mctdh) application or the quantum virtual machine (qvm).
Applications like mctdh & qvm can be found in
./mctdh {input.yaml} > {output.txt}
After installation, the QuTree library can be easily used in downstream CMake projects.
If installed to non-standard locations, make sure to set QuTree_DIR
to the location of QuTreeConfig.cmake
Example CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)
project(example CXX)
find_package(QuTree REQUIRED)
add_executable(qutree_app app.cpp)
target_link_libraries(qutree_app QuTree::QuTree)
Example app.cpp
#include <Core/Tensor.h>
#include <Core/Matrix.h>
int main()
TensorShape tdim({2, 3, 4});
Tensorcd A(tdim);
for (size_t i = 0; i < A.shape().totalDimension(); i++) {
A(i) = i;
Matrixcd w = A.dotProduct(A);
For detailed examples on how to use the library, please see the examples
or check out our documentation.
If QuTree is useful to your work, please cite the following paper:
R. Ellerbrock, K. G. Johnson, S. Seritan, H. Hoppe, J. H. Zhang, T. Lenzen, T. Weike, U. Manthe, T. J. Martínez, "QuTree - a Tree Tensor Network package", 2023 (in preparation)