The project configuration was taken from here:
ImGui realtime graph visualisation tool.
As this project uses several external libs (ImGui, SDL), to build the project you will first need to init the git submodules:
git submodule update --init --recursive
CMake is used for the project building.
Then building for PC would be done as usual:
# Generate the CMake cache
cmake -S "." -B "./build"
# Build the sources
cmake --build "./build" --target main
General guidelines could be found and was stolen from here:
The steps for the build are:
- Install the Emscripten compiler and setup the Env variables (follow the link above for more detailed instructions);
- Open the terminal in admin mode and go the source dir. Now use following commands:
# Configure the build folder
emcmake cmake -S . -B ./build/emscripten_build
# Build the main target
cmake --build ./build/emscripten_build --target main
- If there are no errors, this must be the thing. Now you could serve a Python server from a
python -m http.server --directory ./docs 8000
- by default mouse wheel event is disable, but you can use this flag to enable it back--light
- flag to force the light theme--dark
- flag to force the dark theme
- Обхід графа - пошук в ширину (10%) - code
- Обхід графа - пошук в глибину (10%) - code
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- Алгоритм A* пошуку найкоротших шляхів (10%) - code
- Алгоритм Форда-Фалкерсона пошуку максимального потоку (10%) - code
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- Двонапрямлений алгоритм A* пошуку оптимального шляху на транспортній мережі — тести на запропонованих даних (20%) - code