SeleniumLibrary 4.2.0 release candiate 1
SeleniumLibrary 4.2.0rc1 is a new pre-release with embedding screenshot to log.html and possibility add executable_path in the Open Browser
keyword. Also the Open Browser
options argument supports defining complex Python data object, like example dictionary. The most important fixes are in the
Press Keys keyword and when EventFiringWebDriver is used with WebElements as locators.
SeleniumLibrary 4.2.0rc1 was released on Thursday January 25, 2020. SeleniumLibrary supports
Python 2.7 and 3.5+, Selenium 3.141.0 and Robot Framework 3.1.2. This is last release which
contains new development for Python 2.7 and users should migrate to Python 3.
See release notes and mile stone for more details.