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Syntatic sugar over Secretary router to make it Om ready

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Syntatic sugar over Secretary router to make it Om ready. Enables you to define routes faster with Om components and keep track of navigation events with goog.History.

Note: Please read both libraries' documentation if your not familiar with them before proceeding.


Currently only a snapshot is available, include it in your project.clj dependencies:

[org.clojars.roboli/clerk "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"]


#####Require the clerk library:

(ns your-app.core
  (:require [clerk.core :refer-macros [defcom-route defrouter]]))

#####Define your routes:

(defcom-route route destruct component options)

Basically the defcom-route macro takes four parameters, the route and destruct are the same parameters the defroute macro from Secretary expects. The component and options are the backing component and options map that the root function from Om expects. Any parameters defined within the destruct param, can be pass in to your component in the options map (See the example below).

#####Define your router:

(defrouter name value target)

The defrouter macro expects the name for your router var, the value which is (taken from Om's documentation) "either a tree of associative ClojureScript data structures or an atom wrapping a tree of associative ClojureScript data structures". And target is just a shortcut to the :target value from the options map.

#####Finally, start your application:

(clerk.core/start router route)

The start function expects your router var and a defined route. Which will start your application rendering your component defined in the provided route and start listening to navigation events.


(ns greeting.core
  (:require [om.core :as om :include-macros true]
            [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
            [clerk.core :as c :refer-macros [defcom-route defrouter]]))


(def app-state (atom {:text "Enter name "
                      :greet "Hi there "}))

(defn home [cursor owner opts]
    (render-state [_ state]
      (dom/div nil
               (dom/p nil (:text cursor))
               (dom/label #js {:htmlFor "name"} "Name:")
               (dom/input #js {:id "name"
                               :type "text"
                               :onChange (fn [e]
                                           (om/set-state! owner :form-name
                                                          (.. e -target -value)))})
               (dom/button #js {:onClick (fn [_] (set! (.. js/window -location -href)
                                                       (str "#/greet/" (:form-name state))))}

(defn greet [cursor owner opts]
   (dom/div nil
            (dom/p nil (str (:greet cursor) (:name opts))))))

;; Add routes as in Secretary
(defcom-route "/" [] home {:init-state {:form-name nil}})
(defcom-route "/greet/:name" [name] greet {:opts {:name name}})

;; Define the router
(defrouter my-router app-state (. js/document (getElementById "app")))

;; Start the application rendering the home component
(c/start my-router "/")


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.


Syntatic sugar over Secretary router to make it Om ready






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