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PRiSM implementation of SampleRNN: An Unconditional End-to-End Neural Audio Generation Model, for TensorFlow 2.

Table of Contents


  • Three-tier architecture
  • Choice of GRU or LSTM cell RNN
  • Choice of mu-law or linear quantization
  • Seeding of generated audio
  • Sampling temperature control


Python Packages

The following Python packages are required:

Note that Pydub is only required for the audio chunking script.

If you are interested in hyperparameter optimization we provide two scripts especially for that purpose, both of which require the installation of additional Python libraries. For more details on these see the section below on Hyperparameter Optimization.


Although it is possible to run the training and generation scripts on a CPU alone, optimal (or even tolerable) performance will require a CUDA-enabled NVIDIA GPU. TensorFlow 2 requires CUDA version 10.1, however installation of CUDA is beyond the scope of this document - for full instructions on how to install CUDA for your platform see the TensorFlow GPU guide.


If you would prefer to experiment with PRiSM SampleRNN without installing locally we have set up a Google Colab notebook. Colab is a cloud-based environment for machine learning that provides free access to GPUs. It is an excellent way for those new to machine learning to gain experience with the kinds of tasks and environments involved, with minimal ceremony. Please note that you will need a Google account, and be signed into it, to use the notebook.

To install Prism SampleRNN on a machine to which you have direct access it is strongly recommended to use Anaconda, a popular open-source platform for scientific computing, which greatly simplifies package management for machine learning projects. After running the installer for your OS, open a new terminal window or tab so that the conda package manager is available on your PATH. Then create a new environment with:

conda create -n prism-samplernn anaconda

We're naming the environment after the repository, but you can choose whatever name you like. Then activate it with:

conda activate prism-samplernn

Finally run requirements.txt to install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The architecture of the network conforms to the three-tier design proposed in the original paper, consisting of two upper RNN tiers and a lower MLP tier. The two upper tiers operate on frames of samples, while the lower tier is at the level of individual samples.


Preparing Data

SampleRNN is designed to accept raw audio in the form of .wav files. We therefore need to preprocess our source .wav file by slicing it into chunks, using the supplied script:

python \
  --input_file path/to/input.wav \
  --output_dir ./chunks \
  --chunk_length 8000 \
  --overlap 1000

The --output_dir argument specifies the path to the directory to contain the chunks. The directory will be created if it doesn't already exist (the above places the chunks in a sub-directory called 'chunks' within the current directory). The script has two optional arguments for setting the chunk length (defaults to 8000 ms), and an overlap between consecutive chunks (defaults to 0 ms, no overlap).

Running the Script

Assuming your training corpus is stored in a directory named data under the present directory, you can run the script as follows:

python \
  --id test \
  --data_dir ./data \
  --num_epochs 100 \
  --batch_size 128 \
  --checkpoint_every 5 \
  --output_file_dur 3 \
  --sample_rate 16000

Checkpoints storing the current state of the model are periodically saved to disk during training, with the default behaviour being to save a checkpoint at the end of each epoch. This interval may be modified through the --checkpoint_every parameter. By default every checkpoint will be saved, but this behaviour can be controlled using the --checkpoint_policy parameter. Pass Best to save only the latest best checkpoint according to the training metrics (loss and accuracy).

Each time a checkpoint is saved one or more audio files are also generated, which may be used to assess the progress of the training. The number of files generated is controlled by the value of the --max_generate_per_epoch parameter. Audio files are saved with names in the format id_e=1_t=0.95, with id being the id of the current training, e the current epoch and t the temperature at which the audio was generated. In-training generation may be switched off by setting --generate to False.

Before training begins a certain portion of the input dataset is reserved for validation, which occurs at the end of each epoch. This is a stage during which the network is exposed to (but not trained on) a small portion of the dataset, the purpose of which is to test whether the network can generalize to inputs that it has not seen before. How well the network does when processing this unseen data can provide insight into whether the network is overfitting or underfitting (see the Statistics section below for how validation statistics are reported). The size of the validation set is determined by the val_frac parameter, which defaults to 0.1, yielding a 9/1 split between training and validation data, the most common division (note that the actual values are rounded to the nearest multiple of the batch size).


Statistics providing information on the progress of traing are printed to the terminal prompt at each step. For example:

Epoch: 1/2, Step: 125/1500, Loss: 4.182, Accuracy: 13.418, (0.0357 sec/step)

At the end of each epoch the final loss and accuracy for the epoch are displayed, along with the validation loss and validation accuracy, and the epoch's total duration:

Epoch: 1/2, Loss: 2.342, Accuracy: 18.928, Val Loss: 2.194, Val Accuracy: 19.273 (1500 steps in 1 min 11.235 sec)

The --verbose command line argument determines how these statistics are printed - if True (the default) each step is printed to a new line, if False a new line is taken only at each epoch, with each printed step within an epoch being overwritten.

Command Line Arguments

The following table lists the hyper-parameters that may be passed at the command line:

Parameter Name Description Default Value Required?
id Id for the training session. default No
data_dir Path to the directory containing the training data. None Yes
verbose Set training output verbosity. If False training step output is overwritten, if True (the default) it is written to a new line. None No
logdir_root Location in which to store training log files and checkpoints. All such files are placed in a subdirectory with the id of the training session. ./logdir No
output_dir Path to the directory for audio generated during training. ./generated No
config_file File containing the configuration parameters for the training model. Note that this file must contain valid JSON, and should have a name that conforms to the *.config.json pattern. ./default.config.json No
num_epochs Number of epochs to run the training. 100 No
batch_size Size of the mini-batch. It is recommended that the batch size divide the length of the training corpus without remainder, otherwise the dataset will be truncated to the nearest multiple of the batch size. 64 No
optimizer TensorFlow optimizer to use for training. (adam, sgd or rmsprop) adam No
learning_rate Learning rate of the training optimizer. 0.001 No
reduce_learning_rate_after Exponentially reduce learning rate after this many epochs. None No
momentum Momentum of the training optimizer (applies to sgd and rmsprop only). 0.9 No
checkpoint_every Interval (in epochs) at which to generate a checkpoint file. Defaults to 1, for every epoch. 1 No
checkpoint_policy Policy for saving checkpoints - Always to save at the epoch interval determined by the value of checkpoint_every, or Best to save only when the loss and accuracy have improved since the last save. All No
max_checkpoints Maximum number of checkpoints to keep on disk during training. Defaults to 5. Pass None to keep all checkpoints. 5 No
resume Whether to resume training, either from the last available checkpoint or from one supplied using the resume_from parameter. True No
resume_from Checkpoint from which to resume training. Ignored when resume is False. None No
early_stopping_patience Number of epochs with no improvement after which training will be stopped. 3 No
generate Whether to generate audio output during training. Generation is aligned with checkpoints, meaning that audio is only generated after a new checkpoint has been created. True No
max_generate_per_epoch Maximum number of output files to generate at the end of each epoch. 1 No
sample_rate Sample rate of the generated audio. 16000 No
output_file_dur Duration of generated audio files (in seconds). 3 No
temperature Sampling temperature for generated audio. Multiple values may be passed, to match the number of sequences to be generated. If the number of values exceeds the value of --num_seqs, the list will be truncated to match it. If too few values are provided the last value will be repeated until the list length matches the number of requested sequences. 0.95 No
seed Path to audio for seeding when generating audio. None No
seed_offset Starting offset of the seed audio. 0 No
val_frac Fraction of the dataset to be set aside for validation, rounded to the nearest multiple of the batch size. Defaults to 0.1, or 10%. 0.1 No
num_val_batches Number of batches to reserve for validation. DEPRECATED: This parameter now has no effect, it is retained for backward-compatibility only and will be removed in a future release. Use val_frac instead. 1 No

Configuring the Model

Model parameters are specified through a JSON configuration file, which may be passed to the training script through the --config_file parameter. This must have a name which conforms to the *.config.json pattern (defaults to default.config.json). Note that any configuration file with a name other the name of the supplied default will be ignored by Git (see the .gitignore for details). The following table lists the available model parameters (all parameters are optional and have defaults):

Parameter Name Description Default Value
seq_len RNN sequence length. Note that the value must be evenly-divisible by the top tier frame size. 1024
frame_sizes Frame sizes (in samples) of the two upper tiers in the architecture, in ascending order. Note that the frame size of the upper tier must be an even multiple of that of the lower tier. [16,64]
dim RNN hidden layer dimensionality. 1024
rnn_type RNN type to use, either gru or lstm. gru
num_rnn_layers Depth of the RNN in each of the two upper tiers. 4
q_type Quantization type (mu-law or linear). mu-law
q_levels Number of quantization channels (note that if q_type is mu-law this parameter is ignored, as mu-law quantization requires 256 channels). 256
emb_size Size of the embedding layer in the bottom tier (sample-level MLP). 256
skip_conn Whether to add skip connections to the model's RNN layers. False

Resuming Training

A training session that has been halted, perhaps by Ctrl-C, may be resumed from a previously saved checkpoint. The weights saved to the checkpoint will be loaded into a fresh model, resuming at the last epoch + 1. To enable this set --resume to True, and optionally the path to a checkpoint through the --resume_from parameter (ignored when --resume is False). If no such checkpoint is supplied the program will search through any previous training run directories for the latest checkpoint. If no checkpoint is found training will begin again from scratch.

Hyperparameter Optimization

The variables which control the training process are known as hyperparameters. Typically these will remain fixed over the course of a single training session, as opposed to the model's internal parameters - its weights and biases - which are updated at each step. Hyperparameters determine the model's overall performance, so it is important to pick the right ones. This is often a difficult problem, but fortunately it is possible to automate the process. We have included two scripts, and, which each use a separate hyperparameter tuning systems. Both work by defining a hyperparameter 'search space', which the system can examine to find the optimal set of hyperparameters, a process know as hyperparameter tuning or optimization. Details for how to use each script can be found below.

Hyperparameter Optimization with Keras Tuner

Keras Tuner is a library for automated hyperparameter tuning from the developers of Keras. Install the latest version (inside the conda environment) with:

pip install -U keras-tuner

The script is very similar to, except that instead of taking just a single value for each hyperparameter it takes a list of values, defining the search space for that hyperparameter. No separate JSON configuration file is required for the model, all hyperparameters being passed through the command line arguments. To run the script, execute:

python \
  --data_dir path/to/dataset \
  --num_epochs 20 \
  --frame_sizes 16 64 \
  --frame_sizes 32 128 \
  --batch_size 32 64 128 \
  --seq_len 512 1024 \
  --num_rnn_layers 2 4

Note that the frame sizes, which determine the number of samples consumed in a single timestep by each RNN tier, are here specified by two separate entries of the frame_sizes argument. Each defines a separate entry in the search space.

For the full list of parameters to run the script with the --help option.

At the end of the tuning process the script will print a summary of the best trial to standard output, in the following format (Score is simply the objective, which defaults to the val_loss):

[Trial summary]
 |-Trial ID: b366a8c644b6b0a28ef0c378886c81fe
 |-Score: 0.9532838344573975
 |-Best step: 3
 > Hyperparameters:
 |-batch_size: 64
 |-frame_sizes: 32 128
 |-dim: 1024
 |-learning_rate: 0.001
 |-momentum: 0.95
 |-num_rnn_layers: 2
 |-rnn_dropout: 0.25
 |-seq_len: 512

For more information on Keras Tuner see its documentation pages.

Hyperparameter Optimization with Ray Tune

Ray Tune is a library found within Ray, a framework for distributed computing with Python. Unlike, the script allows for tuning across multiple GPUs simultaneously, greatly increasing the speed and efficiency of the tuning process. Install the latest version of Ray (inside the conda environment) with:

pip install -U ray

You might also need to install a few additional packages:

pip install tensorboardX

pip install 'ray[tune]'

The script closely resembles, except for the addition of a few extra parameters:

python \
  --data_dir path/to/dataset \
  --num_cpus 4 \
  --num_gpus 2 \
  --num_trials 10 \
  --num_epochs 20 \
  --frame_sizes 16 64 \
  --frame_sizes 32 128 \
  --batch_size 32 64 128 \
  --seq_len 512 1024 \
  --num_rnn_layers 2 4

As with, the frame sizes are specified by two separate entries of the frame_sizes argument. The additional arguments relate to distributed training - --num_cpus, which specifies the number of cpu cores to allocate, and --num_gpus, which specifies the number of gpus to use (which can be a single gpu).

For the full list of parameters to run the script with the --help option.

The final output, when all trials have been run, is a JSON object containing the best hyperparameters, for example:

  "batch_size": 128,
  "dim": 2048,
  "frame_sizes": [
  "learning_rate": 0.001,
  "momentum": 0.5,
  "num_rnn_layers": 2,
  "q_type": "mu-law",
  "rnn_dropout": 0.6,
  "rnn_type": "gru",
  "seq_len": 1024,
  "skip_conn": true

A summary of the best trial, including its metadata (such as training iterations, total duration, etc.), will also be printed.

Generating Audio

To generate audio from a trained model use the script:

python \
  --output_path path/to/out.wav \
  --checkpoint_path ./logdir/default/26.07.2020_20.48.51/model.ckpt-100 \
  --config_file ./default.config.json \
  --num_seqs 10 \
  --dur 10 \
  --sample_rate 16000 \
  --seed path/to/seed.wav \
  --seed_offset 500

The model to generate from is specified by the path to an available epoch checkpoint. The generation stage must use the same parameters as the trained model, contained in a JSON config file.

Use the --num_seqs parameter to specify the number of audio sequences to generate. Sequences are generated in parallel in a batch, so for large values for --num_seqs the operation will be faster than real time.

To seed the generation pass an audio file as the --seed parameter. An offset into the file (in samples) may be specified using --seed_offset. Note that the size of the seed audio is truncated to the large frame size set during training (64 samples by default).

The following is the full list of command line parameters for

Parameter Name Description Default Value Required?
output_path Path to the generated .wav file. None Yes
checkpoint_path Path to a saved checkpoint for the model. None Yes
config_file Path to the JSON config for the model. None Yes
dur Duration of generated audio. 3 No
num_seqs Number of audio sequences to generate. 1 No
sample_rate Sample rate of the generated audio. 44100 No
temperature Sampling temperature for generated audio. Multiple values may be passed, to match the number of sequences to be generated. If the number of values exceeds the value of --num_seqs, the list will be truncated to match it. If too few values are provided the last value will be repeated until the list length matches the number of requested sequences. 0.95 No
seed Path to audio for seeding when generating audio. None No
seed_offset Starting offset of the seed audio. 0 No


The following is a list of resources providing further information on SampleRNN, and related work:


Thanks are extended to the rest of the PRiSM team for their help and support during development, and especially to Dr Sam Salem for his immense patience, diligence and perseverance in testing the code.

Version History


  • Fixed Windows-specific bug identified in issue#26, caused by hardcoded posix pathname in


  • Fixed bug which occurred if not passing an explicit value for the temperature parameter, either in or - the internal default was not being forwarded in the correct format.


  • Generated audio files are now saved with names in the format id_e=1_t=0.95, with id being the id of the current training, e the current epoch and t the temperature at which the audio was generated.
  • The default sampling temperature for generation is now 0.95.
  • The default sample rate is now 16kHz.


  • Added new hparam optimization module,, based on Ray Tune.
  • Renamed the old module to, since it uses Keras Tuner.
  • The size of the validation set is now computed as a fraction of the total dataset size. This is configured using the new val_frac parameter, which defaults to 0.1 (= 10% of total dataset). The old num_val_batches is retained for now, but has no function and will be removed in a future release.


  • Implemented validation step.
  • Added tuner script for hyperparameter optimization.
  • Removed ReLU activation from the final MLP layer.
  • Fixed linear quantization bug.


  • Audio generation speed is now greatly improved (about 3-4 times faster).


  • Changes to the script:
    • The --input_file and --output_dir arguments were previously positional, now they are named arguments.
    • It is no longer necessary to create the output directory beforehand, it will be created it if it does not exist (also no trailing slash is required when supplying the path to the directory).
    • The script output now reports when a chunk is silent and will be omitted.
    • When complete the script now reports the number of chunks processed and number of chunks omitted (for silence).
  • A new --checkpoint_policy parameter allows to set the policy for saving checkpoints - whether to only save the checkpoint when there has been an improvement in the training metrics (Best), or whether to always save them, regardless of changes to the metrics (Always).
  • Checkpoints for separate training 'runs' under the same id are saved to separate time-stamped directories, with the naming format DD.MM.YYYY_HH.MM.SS.
  • A new --resume_from training script parameter allows a previously saved checkpoint to be passed directly to the script.
  • The --checkpoint_every parameter now applies at the epoch level only.
  • The --max_checkpoints parameter, which determines the number of checkpoints retained on disk during training, can now be set to None, to retain all checkpoints (no maximum).
  • In-training audio generation can be switched off, through the new --generate parameter (True by default).
  • In-training audio generation, when enabled, is aligned with checkpointing frequency (determined by --checkpoint_every). Audio is only generated when a new checkpoint has been saved.
  • A new --reduce_learning_rate_after parameter allows for the learning rate to dynamically adjust itself during training, decaying exponentially after the specified number of epochs.
  • A new --early_stopping_patience parameter determines the number of epochs without improvement after which training is automatically terminated (defaults to 3).


Neural sound synthesis with TensorFlow 2







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