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F256 two to the power of eleven

This is an implementation of a well known puzzle game in which the player has to create a tile with the value two to the power of eleven or 2048 on a playing field of four by four cells. Use the cursor keys, the joystick in port 1 or an SNES pad in the first socket to move the tiles in the cells in one of the directions up, down, left or right. When two equal tiles "collide" during that movement they merge to a tile with a value twice that of the original tiles. The game is won if a tile with the value two to the power of eleven is created in the playfield. Press F1 during the game to return to the start screen.

The release contains the file f256_2048.pgz which can be started by /- f256_2048.pgz from the BASIC prompt if the file is stored on drive 0, i.e. the SD card in the F256's card slot.

Building the software

You will need 64tass, a python interpreter and GNU make to assemble the program from source. Use make to build the software and make upload to assemble the software and upload it to your machine using FnxMgr. FnxMgr should start the program after uploading it, but if that does not work press the reset button. After the reset the program starts. You may have to change the port name from /dev/ttyUSB0 to the value that fits your machine. The target pgz can be used to build a PGZ file.

If you set the variable USE_SNES_PAD in main.asm to 0, then support for the SNES pad is turned off, which has the advantage that the created binary runs in the emulator.

Ideas which may be implemented

  • Visualize the number moves that can be undone