This repo contains materials from @WeAreRLadies text analysis talk presented to R-Ladies Chicago.
The script follows tutorials from Text Mining with R.
@WeAreRLadies is the rotating curation account of R-Ladies Global.
the .csv
file contains tweets from @WeAreRLadies from August 2018 thru June 2019. It has the following columns:
- Tweet.permalink
- Tweet.text
- date
- time_only
- time (timestamp with both date and time)
- impressions
- engagements
- engagement.rate (calculated as engagement / impressions)
- retweets
- replies
- likes
- Start (curator start date)
- End (curator end date)
- Curator (curator name)
- Twitter (curator twitter handle)
- Student (self-reported student status, 1=Student; 0=Not a student)