For best results using these scripts with geektool you should use a fixed width font.
This geeklet requires the htmlentities gem, you can install this with sudo gem install htmlentities
Usage: calendar.rb [options]
-v, --vertical Orients the calendar vertically instead of horizontally
-i, --indicator INDICATOR The string used to denote which day it currently is on the separator (should be 2 characters)
-z, --colorize indicate the current day with color
-c, --color COLOR Sets the color to use as the current day marker (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white)
-C, --hicolor Uses the hicolor ASCII value for the chose color
-t, --colordate Use color to mark the date (01, 02, 03)
-d, --colorday Use color to mark the day (Mo, Tu, We)
-S, --noseparator Do not output the separator line between days and dates
-H, --html Output HTML color codes instead of shell for use with Ubersicht - requires HTMLEntities gem
-h, --help Displays this help dialogue
Displays a battery meter for the system battery.
Usage: battery.rb [options]
-c, --color Display battery meter with color
-s, --size SIZE Size (small, big, bigger) of battery meter
-H, --html Output HTML color codes instead of shell for use with Ubersicht
-h, --help Displays this help screen
This script is very limited in what it supports currently. Tested with Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad and Magic Mouse, though it should support all Apple Bluetooth HID devices.
Usage: battery.rb [options]
-c, --color Display battery meter with color
-s, --size SIZE Size (small, big, bigger) of battery meter
-l, --cell CELL The character to use for each battery cell
-H, --html Out put HTML color codes instead of shell
-m, --map MAP Key:Value mapping of device names to display names, separated by a semicolon (;) (ex: 'Magic Keyboard with Numeric Keypad:Keyboard')
-S, --separator SEPARATOR Split multiple batteries by this string (default '\n')
-h, --help Displays this help screen
Displays some basic network interface data.
Usage: netstats.rb [options]
-i, --iface IFACE Set iface to monitor
-w, --wifi iface is a wireless access point
-s, --server set the server to gauge ping response[]
-H, --html Output HTML color codes instead of shell for use with Ubersicht
-h, --help Displays this help screen
Very basic script to output a date string with some predefined types or using a custom unix date string.
Usage: date.rb [string type]
-t, --type TYPE Date string type to output (long, short, time, longDate, shortDate, string)
-s, --string "STRING" UNIX date string to output
-h, --help Displays this help screen