A JavasSript Open Source Library for RIZON Blockchain.
In order to fully use this library, you need to run a local or remote full node and set up its rest server, which acts as an intermediary between the front-end and the full-node.
git clone https://github.com/rizon-world/rizonjs.git
const rizonjs = require("rizonjs");
import rizonjs from "rizonjs";
- You can see example file at /example/browser-example.html
- You need to setup rizon blockchain node in local or remote
<script src="../dist/rizon.js"></script>
- Rizon: Generate Rizon address from mnemonic
const rizonjs = require("rizonjs");
const chainId = "groot-14";
const rizon = rizonjs.network(lcdUrl, chainId);
const mnemonic = "..."
const address = rizon.getAddress(mnemonic);
const ecpairPriv = rizon.getECPairPriv(mnemonic);
Generate ECPairPriv value that is needed for signing signatures
const ecpairPriv = rizon.getECPairPriv(mnemonic);
Transfer ATOLO to designated address.
- Make sure to input proper type, account number, and sequence of the rizon account to generate StdSignMsg. You can get those account information on blockchain
rizon.getAccounts(address).then(data => {
let stdSignMsg = rizon.newStdMsg({
msgs: [
type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",
value: {
amount: [
amount: String(100000),
denom: "uatolo"
from_address: address,
to_address: "rizon1xjdla8awqz8kw74sakdh969t7mm4ypwdwnj435"
chain_id: chainId,
fee: { amount: [ { amount: String(5000), denom: "uatolo" } ], gas: String(200000) },
memo: "",
account_number: String(data.account.account_number),
sequence: String(data.account.sequence)
Sign transaction by using stdSignMsg and broadcast by using the Rizon REST API(LCD)
const signedTx = rizon.sign(stdSignMsg, ecpairPriv);
rizon.broadcast(signedTx).then(response => console.log(response));
- If you need more message types, you can see /docs/msg_types