A repository of result for runs of sandsifter on various x86 CPU's
To run sandsifter you will need to compile the source code. To do this you will have to obtain & install the following:
- Python 2
- Standard C build tools
- Capstone disassembler
Instructions vary for every distribution so it is left up to the readers ability.
A general guide for Fedora can be found here:
Make sure your submissions are compressed with
tar c data/log | xz -9 > brand_model-modelnumber.tar.xz
Rename files to match the following standard pattern:
Complex type names should use `-` dashes to separate words.
Underscore should only be used once after the vendor prefix.
Be sure your terminal has xterm colors set and is as large as you can make it. 80x40 should suffice.
export TERM='xterm-256color'
Then run the test with the following command
./sifter.py --unk --dis --len --sync --tick -- -P1 -t
Log data is compressed With xz -9 and will uncompress to a good bit larger size Special attention is needed with the Ryzen CPU test data. The dump files for those are near 1.4Gb total when uncompressed. Running this through the analysis tool will consume a substantial amount of RAM.
Zen (Summit Ridge)
Warning: The Zen CPU logs are LARGE.
Processing these with the summarizer requires a substantial amount of RAM and CPU time.
Sandy Bridge
Ivy Bridge
- Core i7-4702MQ
- E3-1225 v3 Ubuntu VM on an ESXI host
- Core i7-4558U (MacBook Pro Mid-2013) test results, obtained via Arch on Virtual Box.
Devil's Canyon
Kaby Lake
Submissions always welcome!