This Pixi.js starter template offers a solid foundation for your web graphics projects. Utilizing Vite for fast development, TypeScript for type safety, and Pixi.js for WebGL rendering, this template simplifies the setup process for building interactive web applications.
- Vite: Provides rapid development and hot module replacement for a seamless workflow.
- TypeScript: Enhances code navigation and maintains type safety throughout your project.
- Pixi.js: Leverages the powerful WebGL renderer for creating dynamic and visually appealing graphics.
- ESLint: Ensures code consistency and quality by detecting and fixing errors early on.
- Unocss: Streamlines styling with utility-first CSS, keeping your codebase lightweight and efficient.
- Husky and Prettier: Enforces code formatting standards and automates code quality checks.
To start the development server with Vite, follow these steps:
Install dependencies:
npm install or yarn
Run the development server:
npm run dev or yarn dev
Run the production preview:
npm run prod or yarn prod
💫 Happy coding!