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Ng2NodeStarter (Ng2NS)

TravisCI build status

Azure Pipelines Build Status


Ng2NodeStarter - application core based on NodeJS and Angular.

Project structure

  • ./app - server
    • ./app/config - configurations
    • ./app/models - data models
    • ./app/routes - routes
    • ./app/utils - utilities
  • ./build-system - gulp-based build system modules, tasks
  • ./ci - dockerfiles, related shell scripts, and configuration files
  • ./public - client
    • ./public/app - application scripts, templates, styles
      • ./public/app/components - components (development)
      • ./public/app/interfaces - interfaces (development)
      • ./public/app/lazy - lazy module (development)
      • ./public/app/modules - modules (development)
      • ./public/app/scss - stylesheets (development)
      • ./public/app/services - services (development)
      • ./public/app/views - components' templates
    • ./public/css/ - bundled styles (production)
    • ./public/img/ - images
    • ./public/webfonts/ - fonts
    • ./public/js/ - bundled scripts (production)
  • ./shell - shell scripts used in the project except docker-related scripts
  • ./test - client/server tests
    • ./test/client - client tests
    • ./test/e2e - end to end tests
    • ./test/server - server tests
  • ./sessions - FileStore sessions storage
  • ./logs - logs and reports
  • ./desktop - electron builds and installers
    • ./desktop/nix
      • ./desktop/nix/build - linux build
      • ./desktop/nix/dist - linux installer
    • ./desktop/win
      • ./desktop/win/build - windows build
      • ./desktop/win/dist - windows installer
    • ./desktop/osx
      • ./desktop/osx/build - osx build
      • ./desktop/osx/dist - osx installer
  • ./topoData - topological data for maps in json format


In order to run your own copy of Ng2NS, you must have the following installed:

Installation & Startup

To install Ng2NS execute the below command in the terminal window while in your projects folder:

git clone

This will install the Ng2NS components into the Ng2NS directory in your projects folder.

Global dependencies

Install Typescript, Gulp CLI, and NGD CLI by executing command

sudo npm install -g gulp-cli@latest typescript@latest @compodoc/ngd-cli@latest

or npm script

npm run install-global-dependencies

Angular dependencies graph

requires installation of global dependencies (see above)


npm run build-dependencies-graph

Local Environment Variables

Create a file named .env in the root directory manually or use a gulp task

gulp create-env


gulp create-env-cluster


gulp create-env-electron

This .env file should contain

for development environment without nodejs cluster


for development environment with nodejs cluster


for electron environment


PORT is used by the server if defined.

APP_URL may be used by the server if it should form urls to client app and return it to user.

DEV_MODE is a variable which defines if coverage report should be served to user upon requesting path host/logs/coverage/html-report/index.html, for local environment the url path is it is http://localhost:8080/logs/coverage/html-report/index.html. If coverage report should NOT be served, don't set this variable at all or remove part =true, server does not check its value, only presence.

ELECTRON tells server to use control flow specific for electron where applicable.

NODE_ENV tells npm to pass installing devDependencies.

BUILD_HASH identifies a client application build, is used as a part of cache name by service workers when managing caches.

IP define this value to use specific IP address for nodejs server like




development environment may need to use a NodeJS version compatible which Electron, which is 7.9.0 by the moment of writing this note, NodeJS versions switching may require node-sass rebuild

sudo npm rebuild node-sass --force

dependencies must be installed

npm install

application must be build and packed for required platform

tsc && gulp build && gulp electron-packager-win
tsc && gulp build && gulp electron-packager-nix

to create installers for windows or debian after packaging use

tsc && gulp build && gulp build-electron-win
tsc && gulp build && gulp build-electron-deb

Electron build

Electron app builds are created by gulp tasks and are stored in

  • ./desktop
    • ./desktop/nix
      • ./desktop/nix/build - linux build (task - gulp electron-packager-nix)
      • ./desktop/nix/dist - linux installer (task - gulp TODO)
    • ./desktop/win
      • ./desktop/win/build - windows build (task - gulp electron-packager-win)
      • ./desktop/win/dist - windows installer (task - gulp electron-winstaller)
    • ./desktop/osx
      • ./desktop/osx/build - osx build (task - gulp TODO)
      • ./desktop/osx/dist - osx installer (task - gulp TODO)

Electron start

to start Electron app execute the following command form the project root

npm run electron


sudo docker build -t repo-name/ng2ns -f ci/Dockerfile .
sudo docker run -d --rm --name ng2ns -p 8080:8080 repo-name/ng2ns:latest
sudo docker stop ng2ns


search by id

sudo docker image ls

then execute

sudo docker image rm IMAGE_ID

Global NPM dependencies

the project uses gulp task manager, this requires global installation of gulp-cli

sudo npm install -g gulp-cli@latest

client application compiles from typescript typescript, install it globally

sudo npm install -g typescript@latest

Project dependencies management

it is recommended to use npm-check-updates

install it globally using

sudo npm install -g ncu@latest

execute in terminal while in the project folder and follow instructions


Do not update dependencies

d3 ^3.5.17 - this is the highest version supported by ng2-nvd3 by now.

Vulnerabilities check

first install Node Security Platform CLI globally

sudo npm install -g nsp@latest

then execute from the project folder

nsp check

Starting the App

To start the app, execute in the terminal while in the project folder (dependencies installation check will be performed before)

npm start

executing this command will:

  • install the required project dependencies
  • build both js and css bundles
  • copy required fonts to a defined location to make it accessible by the app
  • make required changes to static json files if any
  • start the app

to build the app manually, typescript should be compiled first, then the app can be built, execute:

tsc && gulp build

Now open your browser and type in the address bar


Ng2NS is up and running.


HeadlessChrome note: in initial configuration for client unit and e2e tests to work you will have to export an environment variable for headless Chrome by appending it to ~/.bashrc, its value should be set to one of the following options, depending on what you have installed: chromium-browser, chromium, google-chrome

export CHROME_BIN=chromium-browser


To test the server execute the following command in the terminal window while in your project's folder when the server is running:

$ npm run server-test

Client Unit

To test the client execute the following command in the terminal window while in your project's folder:

for continuous testing

$ npm run client-test

for single test

$ npm run client-test-single-run

single run execution generates a coverage html-report from generated json data, reports location

  • ./logs
    • ./logs/coverage - json data
      • ./logs/coverage/html-report - html-report generated from json data

Coverage report

to generate a coverage report for client code execute (should be preceeded by unit tests execution so that json data exists)

npm run client-coverage-report

previously generated coverage reports are cleared automatically before single run tests execution

to remove previously generated coverage reports manually use

npm run clear-reports
How to read a coverage report
  • Statements - how much statements of the program module have beed executed
  • Branches - how much branches of the control flow of the program module have been executed (if else statements)
  • Functions - how much functions of the program module have beed executed
  • Lines - how much executable lines in the source code have been executed

for more details see istanbul code coverage tool

Client E2E

$ npm run protractor

Code Linting

To lint the code execute the following command in the terminal window while in your project's folder:

$ npm run lint

NPM scripts and Gulp tasks

most command needed for manual interaction with the project were listed above, full lists can be checked here:

Docker documentation

Electron documentation
