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A comprehensive personal dashboard built with NextJS 15, TypeScript, Drizzle, Turso (SQLite), TailwindCSS, Clerk, Uploadthing, ShadCN-UI, and more. This all-in-one solution offers tools for file storage, URL extractors, notes, finances, kanban, HTML to TSX, SVG to CSS, reverse geolocation, and more. Currently migrating features from a previous

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Repository files navigation

Personal all-in-one panel

Because I hate load times (cloudflare ugh), and not owning my own stuff


Just started this repo, will be migrating features I've built over so it's far from done. And probably never will be.

This is a personal project that combines various tools and features I've built over the years. It's a one-stop solution for managing personal finance, secure file storage, code snippets, and tools I've built for myself such as URL/text extractors, (reverse) geolocation finder, SVG to CSS-pseudo elements, HTML to JSX/TSX converter, and loads more probably.

πŸš€ Demo

Visit the demo

The design im working with

🧐 Features

🐻 Packages

🐻 Big core overhauls that need to be done

[!NOTE] On hold. After a few days I couldn't build with zero answers on google, deep down the dep. tree.

🐻 Tools that can be useful

🐻 Interesting and/or very cool/unique components

🐻 Design inspiration

Too fancy ui stuff

πŸ›£οΈ Roadmap and To-Do

Short-Term Goals

  • Initial setup
  • Add user authentication
  • Upgrade to the new react compiler (Next 15 + React 19)
  • Implement dark mode - Done, but light mode is far from usable.

x-term goals. Stuff that I just want to do, but only so much time in a day.

🚨 = highest priority ⚑ = medium priority πŸ›£οΈ = low priority (will probably never happen)

  • [βœ”] Localization (always in progress)

  • [βœ”] Add pretty flags <- did not use this package, will maybe later

  • [πŸ›£οΈ] Migrate geolocation and re-create UI

  • [60%πŸ›£οΈ] Create landing page

  • [] Add blog feature which is actually good and not half assed. Also for release notes/changelog. Only know contentlayer. Maybe build a custom blog engine with my own CMS. if (contentlayer + markdown)

    • Retrieve date from when MDX file was created/last edited.
    • basic structure. Date, title, author, content, tags, view count, likes/dislike.
    • Allow visitors (rate limit instantly to prevent multiple likes, or try to) to like/dislike posts
    • implement view counter. Per ip or so, not session. Think of a accurate way.
    • share blog posts on social media
    • Syntax highlighting
    • Add animated sidebar scroll for progress.
    • Add reading duration to blog posts.
    • categories via tags?
    • Find out how to make the global site search index the bog titles, tags, and content
    • Allow users to comment and think of a way to implement a comment system for non-logged in users w/o spam.
    • Make sure its semantics are correct.
    • Make sure it's accessible.
    • Make sure SEO we used all the bells and whistles we can find.
    • /blog landing page with categories.
    • /blog/categories with landing for the categories/tags
    • /blog/categories/params for the actual blog. ....
    • I'd rather have my blogs in my database, so first research how much harder that is than a file based system.
    • [ ]
  • [πŸ›£οΈ] Migrate URL tool - finished version, ugly UI

  • [⚑] Migrate HTML to React tool and cleanup UI - A lot of work. And things to fix

  • [πŸ›£οΈ] Migrate and cleanup perfect blackjack strategy tool

  • [πŸ›£οΈ] Migrate SVG to CSS pseudo element and create UI

  • [⚑] Migrate my password manager.

  • [🚨] Add file vault feature

    • Allow uploading
    • Integrate uploadthing
      • images first
        • allow max size (5mb?)
      • videos second (max size?)
        • mp4, webm, avi, mov?
    • Allow multiple uploads at once
    • Visual feedback when uploading, either percentage or progress bar (PER FILE)
  • [πŸ›£οΈ ] pdfs/docs third

  • add doc support. Sick library for pdf/doc support

  • crud operations (delet, edit, create, and view metadata)

  • Allow sharing

  • [🚨] In addition to the file vault. I want a separate PRIVATE(!!) image/video gallery with PiP like Firefox has. Maybe also standardized sections like powertoys window manager. Must have 100% privacy. Auth middleware and I also want custom password allowance for each section.

    • allow view like regular lightbox
    • allow view multiple borderless like PiP in Firefox
    • Show all (meta) data of image/video. Like Pleio
    • Think of rate limiting, file max. Make sure I can't be screwed by a malicious user.
  • [🚨] Notes app, diary, ideas via rich text editor. I suppose Tiptap, but Sick library from above also seems cool.

  • [⚑] A proper kanban / todo board instead of this readme. Ideally integrated with github issues through (graphql?), we'll see.

  • [πŸ›£οΈ] Maybe something nice with release notes/changelog generated from github releases

  • [πŸ›£οΈ] A proper calendar app which maybe can be integrated with google calendar, but also in relation with my kanban board, and notes app. (Dream big honey)

  • [βš‘πŸ›£οΈ] Migrate my whatsapp tracker API from chromedriver to puppeteer.

  • [🚨] Display my whatsapp chat history. UI is done, A lot of parts of the logic is done, need to bring it together. Personal use only since whatsapp export = txt. I converted txt via python script to json in certain object format. host as private api, and use it in my app/

    • [πŸ›£οΈ] Think of a solution to save data to database instead of local json (1mil +objects PER some chats).
    • Allow star / favourite messages.
    • [50%] Proper search with go to and surrounding messages instead of filter
    • Maybe ever build a system where people can upload their .txt in an encrypted/client side format, auto convert to json and make it available for others. But it's a dashboard for personal use, so probably not.
  • migrate my whatsapp tracker API from chromedriver to puppeteer. See API schema design;

Unique Implementations

πŸ“‹ Repos Used

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I appreciate a star aka e-karma. If you have any questions you can reach through: LinkedIn, email: [email protected] or visit my personal site over at


A comprehensive personal dashboard built with NextJS 15, TypeScript, Drizzle, Turso (SQLite), TailwindCSS, Clerk, Uploadthing, ShadCN-UI, and more. This all-in-one solution offers tools for file storage, URL extractors, notes, finances, kanban, HTML to TSX, SVG to CSS, reverse geolocation, and more. Currently migrating features from a previous





