A simple yet powerful rich text view that supports mention, hashtag, email, url and see more.
"Who else thinks it's thinks it's just cool to mention
@jane when #JaneMustLive is trending without even trying
to send an email to [email protected] verify the
facts talkmore of visiting www.janedoe.com",
maxLines: 3,
align: TextAlign.center,
onEmailClicked: (email) => print('$email clicked'),
onHashTagClicked: (hashtag) => print('is $hashtag trending?'),
onMentionClicked: (mention) => print('$mention clicked'),
onUrlClicked: (url) => print('visting $url?'),
You can use the RichTextView widget as an input field that supports suggestions when mentioning or using hashtags
suggestionPosition: SuggestionPosition.bottom,
onSearchPeople: (term) async {
return [
imageURL: 'imageURL',
subtitle: 'I am the little guy from Coal city',
title: 'Nelly Gane')
onSearchTags: (term) async {
return [
HashTag(hashtag: 'Dart', subtitle: '20 posts', trending: true)