Currently supports subscribing to Kura / Kapua metrics topics to quickly and easily debug and monitor installations. Could evolve to support more functions later. Please create issues if you have a requested feature.
Using homebrew:
$ brew tap redhat-iot/homebrew-tap
$ brew install kurasowa
Download the the latest release in tar.gz format and move the kurasowa executable to a suitable location in your path.
Download the the latest release zip file and move kurasowa.exe to a suitable location in your path.
$ kurasowa -username <user> -password <password> -server 'tcp://<mqttBroker>:1883' \
-topic '<Account>/<Device>/<App>/<Topic>'
For example, to connect to the running Industry 4.0 demo instance:
$ kurasowa -username 'demo' -password 'DemoUser123!@#' \
-server 'tcp://' \
-topic 'Red-Hat/+/cloudera-demo/#'