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AWS CloudFormation scripts used for Amazon's Marketplace

Download a copy of this repo using either the Download link or use git clone.

Note Starting with Aerospike 3.8.1, the Community Edition is configured to transmit anonymous usage statistics. We ask your help in making Aerospike better by leaving this feature enabled. You can learn about our goals, how we use the data, and how to disable the feature here.


Go to AWS Cloud formation console at

Change the region as per your requirement.

Uploading the template

  1. Choose "Create New Stack".

  2. Upload the aerospike-cf.json found in this repo.

  3. Click Next

Template Parameters

  1. Give a name to your stack

  2. Choose the Aerospike version you'd like to deploy.

  3. Select if you'd like to publish base statistics to Cloudwatch.

  • Statistics are: Cluster Integrity, Free Memory, Free Disk and Number of Objects
  1. Enter the size of an EBS volume you'd like to use. EBS volumes are always type gp2 and attached under /dev/sdg. Enter 0 to not use EBS volumes. An ephemeral volume is always available (if the instance type has them) under /dev/sdf

  2. Choose an instance type from the ones available at
    For more info on which instance to use, refer to Aerospike AWS Capacity Planning.

  3. Choose a valid existing keypair. If you don't have a keypair in AWS already, create one first

  4. (Optional, but suggested) Enter the URL where CloudFormation can download your customized namespace settings. This will be appended to the end of the aerospike.conf file as-is. If this option is defined, the default namespaces will be removed.

  • The simplest method is to upload a file to S3, then making the file public. The direct link is available via the properties tab of the S3 object.
  • Your custom namespace settings should take advantage of the ephemeral storage at /dev/sdf and your provisioned EBS volume at /dev/sdg.
  • Custom namespace file is everything under the namespace section of aerospike.conf file, including the namespace { } declaration.
  • See the included custom_namespace.conf file as an example
  1. Enter number of instances as required.

  2. Enter the CIDR block from which you permit SSH access. You can use many online sites like whatismyip to find out your IP. For single IP addresses appending /32 is required. Only 1 entry is permitted. If you'd like to give access to everyone/anyone, use

  3. Choose if you'd like dedicated tenancy. There will be additional costs with this option.

  4. Click Next

Options (Optional)

  • Enter additional tags as desired.

Advanced (Optional)

  • Enter advanced configurations as desired.
  • Click Next


  • Check "I acknowledge that this template might cause AWS CloudFormation to create IAM resources." This is required for cluster discovery. See Architecture for details.
  • Review and click Create.

Go to your EC2 console and login to the instances using the IPs listed against the instances.

Fire off some load using the java benchmark client included in the instances and watch the load with AMC

System Access

SSH access is enabled on the instances under the ec2-user user using the key-pair you've selected during stack creation. You are prompted to enter the IP (in CIDR format) from where you permit SSH access also during stack creation.


  • EC2 instances
  • GP2 EBS volume per instance
  • Cloudwatch metrics per instance
    • 4 metrics x 5 minute polling ~= 35000 API requests/mo = $0.35 + $2 for 4 metrics ~= $2.35
  • SQS queue
    • 1 message on creation, 1 message per instance per scale-in. Fits into free tier. Would require a constant >2.5 scale-in events per second to exceed free tier.
  • Dedicated tenancy. See Dedicated instance pricing on AWS.


Cloudformation will create all the VPCs, Subnets, Security Groups, Autoscaling, etc... as separate entities just for the Aerospike cluster.

Upon instance startup, instances will run a userdata script that will query AWS for instances based on the unique StackID tag CloudFormation generates. This functionality requires the ec2-describe instance policy and utilizes IAM roles for this.

This script will then parse out the private IP addresses and modify the clustering section of aerospike configs with said IPs.

This cluster is resiliant to any node being added/dropped. Additional nodes added with autoscaling will be able to automatically join the cluster. Nodes leaving the cluster must be triggered by autoscaling to guarantee data consistency. On scale-in, an SQS message will be sent with information on which node is being terminated. Each node polls SQS for its own message. Once the node finds an SQS message for itself, it first checks for data migrations. If no migrations are occuring, it will stop ASD and continues the autoscaling termination process. If there are data migrations occuring, it will interrupt the scale-in, leaving the instance running and cluster untouched, and wait for the next poll. Only 1 node may scale-in at a time to ensure no data loss. (Technically it's replication factor - 1)

By default ping, Aerospike port 3000 and AMC port 8081 are open globally ( You may want to lock this down to just your own IP range.


The Aerospike AMI is a free subscription. You will be prompted to subscribe to the AMI before this CF template can be used. Pricing is dependant on the instance type used. Please see EC2 pricing here. Cost will increase if launching more than 1 instance.


An AMI pre-loaded with most clients is available for quick development uptake.

Owner: 262212597706

Region AMI
us-east-1 ami-34b6ed5e
us-west-1 ami-c5ed98a5
us-west-2 ami-01637960
eu-central-1 ami-06e4fa6a
eu-west-1 ami-cf268ebc
ap-northeast-1 ami-ed152883
ap-northeast-2 ami-5dce0033
ap-southeast-1 ami-41844822
ap-southeast-2 ami-d75673b4
sa-east-1 ami-14840578


AWS CloudFormation scripts related to Aerospike






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