EOS development and deployment framework based on eosjs.js. The framework's main purpose is to make the process of unit testing, deployment and compilation much simpler and much easier.
You can join us on telegram - https://t.me/eoslime
npm install eoslime
Simple usage
Supported Networks: [ local ] [ jungle ] [ bos ] [ worbli ] [ main ] [kylin] or { url: 'custom url', chainId: 'custom id' }
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init('local');
const TOKEN_WASM_PATH = './contract/eosio.token.wasm';
const TOKEN_ABI_PATH = './contract/eosio.token.abi';
// Generate and setup freshly new accounts for usage
let accounts = await eoslime.Account.createRandoms(2);
let tokensIssuer = accounts[0];
let tokensHolder = accounts[1];
// Deploy contract (localhost)
let tokenContract = await eoslime.CleanDeployer.deploy(TOKEN_WASM_PATH, TOKEN_ABI_PATH);
// Call contract functions
// By default provider's default account(localhost - eosio) executes methods calls on the blockchain
await tokenContract.create(tokensIssuer.name, '100 SYS');
// Change the execution account
await tokenContract.issue(tokensHolder.name, '10 SYS', 'memo', { from: tokensIssuer });
Simple tests
const assert = require('assert');
const eoslime = require('./../../').init();
const TOKEN_WASM_PATH = './example/eosio-token/contract/eosio.token.wasm';
const TOKEN_ABI_PATH = './example/eosio-token/contract/eosio.token.abi';
describe('EOSIO Token', function () {
// Increase mocha(testing framework) time, otherwise tests fails
let tokenContract;
let tokensIssuer;
let tokensHolder;
const TOTAL_SUPPLY = '1000000000.0000 SYS';
const HOLDER_SUPPLY = '100.0000 SYS';
before(async () => {
let accounts = await eoslime.Account.createRandoms(2);
tokensIssuer = accounts[0];
tokensHolder = accounts[1];
beforeEach(async () => {
CleanDeployer creates for you a new account behind the scene
on which the contract code is deployed
Note! CleanDeployer always deploy the contract code on a new fresh account
You can access the contract account as -> tokenContract.executor
tokenContract = await eoslime.CleanDeployer.deploy(TOKEN_WASM_PATH, TOKEN_ABI_PATH);
it('Should create a new token', async () => {
await tokenContract.create(tokensIssuer.name, TOTAL_SUPPLY);
You have access to the EOS(eosjs) instance as -> contract.provider.eos
This gives us flexibility and convenience
For example when you want to read a table ->
await contract.provider.eos.getTableRows({
code: code,
scope: scope,
table: table,
limit: limit,
lower_bound: l_bound,
upper_bound: u_bound,
json: true
let tokenInitialization = await tokenContract.provider.eos.getCurrencyStats(tokenContract.name, 'SYS');
assert.equal(tokenInitialization.SYS.max_supply, TOTAL_SUPPLY, 'Incorrect tokens supply');
assert.equal(tokenInitialization.SYS.issuer, tokensIssuer.name, 'Incorrect tokens issuer');
it('Should issue tokens', async () => {
await tokenContract.create(tokensIssuer.name, TOTAL_SUPPLY);
On each contract method you can provide an optional object -> { from: account }
If you don't provide a 'from' object, the method will be executed from the contract account authority
await tokenContract.issue(tokensHolder.name, HOLDER_SUPPLY, 'memo', { from: tokensIssuer });
let holderBalance = await tokensHolder.getBalance('SYS', tokenContract.name);
assert.equal(holderBalance[0], HOLDER_SUPPLY, 'Incorrect holder balance');
it('Should throw if tokens quantity is negative', async () => {
await tokenContract.create(tokensIssuer.name, TOTAL_SUPPLY);
const INVALID_ISSUING_AMOUNT = '-100.0000 SYS';
For easier testing, eoslime provides you ('utils.test') with helper functions
await eoslime.utils.test.expectAssert(
tokenContract.issue(tokensHolder.name, INVALID_ISSUING_AMOUNT, 'memo', { from: tokensIssuer })
let holderBalance = await tokensHolder.getBalance('SYS', tokenContract.name);
assert.equal(holderBalance.length, 0, 'Incorrect holder balance');
- network name - [ local ] [ jungle ] [ bos ] [ worbli ] [ main ] [ kylin ] or { url: 'custom url', chainId: 'custom id' }
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
- network name - local
On local network, eoslime.provider.defaultAccount is set automatically to eosio
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
eoslime.provider.defaultAccount =>
Account {
name: 'eosio',
executiveAuthority: {
actor: 'eosio', permission: 'active'
publicKey: 'EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV',
privateKey: '5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3',
provider: {
network: {
"name": "local",
"url": "",
"chainId": "cf057bbfb72640471fd910bcb67639c22df9f92470936cddc1ade0e2f2e7dc4f"
Important ! Only local network comes with preset provider's default account
. If you connect to another network you should set provider's default account manually
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init('jungle');
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init({ url: 'Your network', chainId: 'Your chainId' });
Account is a class that provides an easy access to blockchain account endpoint.
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Load existing network account
let account = eoslime.Account.load('name', 'privateKey', 'permission');
- name - account name
- privateKey - private key of the account.
If you provide 'custom' permission, the privateKey should be the relevant for that permission - permission ( Optional ) - the account's permission. Default ->
Permission per account. If you want to operate with another account's permission you should load the same account with the second permission.
- name
- publicKey
- privateKey
- provider - The network provider that the account is connected to
- executiveAuthority - transactions authority
actor: '', permission: '' }
- buyRam (bytes, payer) - buy ram for this account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing accounts on local network
let payer = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1');
let account2 = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc2', 'myPrivateKey2');
// Payer will buy ram for account2
await account2.buyRam(1000, payer);
- current account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing account on local network
let account = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey');
// The account will buy ram by self for 10000 bytes
await account.buyRam(10000);
- buyBandwidth (cpu, net, payer) - buy cpu and network for this account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing accounts on local network
let payer = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1');
let account2 = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc2', 'myPrivateKey2');
// Payer will buy cpu and network for account2 for 100 EOS
await account2.buyBandwidth('100.0000 EOS', '100.0000 EOS', payer);
- current account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing account on local network
let account = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey');
// The account will buy cpu and net by self for 10 EOS
await account.buyBandwidth('10.0000 EOS', '10.0000 EOS');
- send (receiver, amount, symbol) - send EOS tokens to another account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing accounts on local network
let sender = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1');
let receiver = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc2', 'myPrivateKey2');
// The sender will send 100 EOS tokens to receiver
await sender.send(receiver, `100.0000`, 'EOS');
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing accounts on local network
let sender = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1');
let receiver = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc2', 'myPrivateKey2');
// The sender will send 100 EOS tokens to receiver
await sender.send(receiver, `100.0000`);
- createAuthority (authorityName) - Creates a new authority. Behind the scene it will generate a new private/public keys pair for the authority
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing account on local network
let activeAccount = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1', 'active');
// It will create 'contracts' authority. Parent authority will be the 'active' one
let contractsAccount = await activeAccount.createAuthority('contracts');
customAccount.executiveAuthority : {
actor: 'myAcc1',
permission: 'contracts'
contractsAccount.pubKey != activeAccount.pubKey
- addPermission (permName, actor) - Adds a new permission in the account's authority
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing accounts on local network
let account = eoslime.Account.load('myaccount', 'myPrivateKey', 'active');
let tokenFactoryAccount = eoslime.Account.load('tokenfactory', 'factoryPrivateKey', 'active');
It will allow a contract account with eosio.code permission to act on behalf when you are authorizing an action with active authority
Use case:
We have two contracts: TokenFactory and Token
TokenFactory.create behind the scene calls Token.issue_tokens. You want issue_tokens action to be called from you, not from the TokenFactory name
await account.addPermission('eosio.code', tokenFactoryAccount.name);
- current account name
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing account on local network
let account = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1', 'active');
// It will add eosio.code permission in the active authority
await account.addPermission('eosio.code');
- getBalance (symbol, code) - get the account balance for token with symbol
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing account on local network
let account = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1');
// custom.token is a contract account with a token deployed on it
await account.getBalance('CUSTOM', custom.token);
- EOScode
- eosio.token
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
// Existing account on local network
let account = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc1', 'myPrivateKey1');
await account.getBalance();
Important! Keep in mind the following points which are applicable for each create-account function:
- It buys ram for 8192 bytes
- It executes blockchain create-account transaction
- It sets the executive authority to
createFromName (name, accountCreator) - Creates a fresh new account for a given name
Important! Keep in mind that this name may already exists on the network
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Existing account on local network let accountCreator = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey'); // accountCreator will create account2 on the network, a.k.a accountCreator.provider.network let account2 = await eoslime.Account.createFromName('name', accountCreator);
- provider's default account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Provider’s default account will create this account on local network let account = await eoslime.Account.createFromName('name');
createRandom (accountCreator) - Creates new random account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Existing account on local network let accountCreator = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey'); // accountCreator will create account2 on the network, a.k.a accountCreator.provider.network let account2 = await eoslime.Account.createRandom(accountCreator);
- provider's default account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Provider's default account account will create this account on local network let account = await eoslime.Account.createRandom();
createRandoms (accountsCount, accountCreator) - Creates new random accounts
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Existing account on local network let accountsCreator = eoslime.Account.load('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey'); // accountsCreator will create random accounts on the network, a.k.a accountsCreator.provider.network const accountsCount = 2; let accounts = await eoslime.Account.createRandoms(accountsCount, accountsCreator);
- provider's default account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init; // Provider's default account will create this accounts on local network const accountsCount = 2; let accounts = await eoslime.Account.createRandoms(accountsCount);
createEncrypted (password, accountCreator) - Creates fresh new account and returns the encrypted json format of it
How it works: Creates a fresh new random account. Created account's data is hashed and a cipherText is derived by encrypting privateKey::dataHash// Account data for hashing { name: account.name, network: account.provider.network, privateKey: account.privateKey }
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Existing account on local network let accountCreator = new eoslime.Account('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey'); // accountCreator will create encrypted JSON account on the network, a.k.a accountCreator.provider.network const password = 'secret password'; let encryptedJSONAccount = await eoslime.Account.createEncrypted(password, accountCreator); /* Encrypted JSON account => { "name": "random generated", "network": { "name": 'name', "url": 'url', "chainId": 'chainId' }, "ciphertext": "encrypted private key + dataHash" } */
- provider's default account
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init; // Provider's default account will create this account on local network const password = 'secret password'; let encryptedJSONAccount = await eoslime.Account.createEncrypted(password);
fromEncrypted (encryptedAccount, password) - Decrypt an encrypted account
How it works: Decrypts cipherText and gets it's parts (privateKey and dataHash). The PrivateKey is merged with the other encryptedAccount properties into an object which after the merging is hashed. This hash is validated against the dataHash for correctness.const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); // Existing account on local network let accountCreator = new eoslime.Account('myAcc', 'myPrivateKey'); // accountCreator will create encrypted JSON account on the network, a.k.a accountCreator.provider.network const password = 'secret password'; let encryptedJSONAccount = await eoslime.Account.createEncrypted(password, accountCreator); let decryptedAccount = eoslime.Account.fromEncrypted(encryptedJSONAccount, password);
Default account or main account is the account which executes blockchain transactions if none is provided. Most of the functions have executor in the form of payer | accountCreator | contractExecutor. For example: When you are on local network eosio account is preset automatically for you as default/main account. You are able to do
await Account.createFromName('some name')
without the need of specifying the accountCreator every time.
If you are on another network, you can set the default/main account as follow:
const eoslime = require('jungle').init();
const jungleMainAccount = eoslime.Account.load('name', 'privateKey');
eoslime.Provider.defaultAccount = jungleMainAccount;
In this way jungleMainAccount will execute every blockchain transaction whenever the execution account is needed but none was provided.
Providers are the blockchain connectors. A provider is instantiated internally based on the network name provided on initialization: [ local ] [ jungle ] [ bos ] [ worbli ] [ main ] or { url: 'custom url', chainId: 'custom id' }
Depending on what network you want to connect to, the following providers are available: [ LocalProvider ] [ JungleProvider ] [ BosProvider ] [ WorbliProvider ] [ KylinProvider ] [ MainProvider ] [ CustomProvider ] :
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init('jungle') -> JungleProvider
- network
name: '',
url: '',
chainId: ''
- defaultAccount - The default/main account from which the blockchain transactions are executed
- eos - eosjs instance that serves as a bridge with the blockchain
Account Deployer is used when you already have an account on which you want to deploy a new contract or when you have an account with already deployed contract and you want to upgrade it.
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const WASM_PATH = './contract/contract.wasm';
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
let contractAccount = eoslime.Account.load('name', 'privateKey');
let contract = await eoslime.AccountDeployer.deploy(WASM_PATH, ABI_PATH, contractAccount);
- Options:
- inline - If true, contract account's active authority obtains 'eosio.code' permission. In this way the contract has the ability to do inline actions (call another contract)
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const WASM_PATH = './contract/contract.wasm';
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
let contractAccount = eoslime.Account.load('name', 'privateKey');
// contract account's active authority obtains `eosio.code` permission
let contract = await eoslime.AccountDeployer.deploy(WASM_PATH, ABI_PATH, contractAccount, { inline: true });
The deploy
function returns a ready to use instance of the deployed contract.
Clean Deployer is used when you don't have a contract account. It creates a new contract account on which the contract is is being deployed. The creator of the new contract account is the provider's default account. The Clean Deployer is always deploying contracts on new accounts.
This is helpful when we want to do the following:
We have two tests and one contract account. The first test writes to the contract storage, but you need this storage to be clear for the second test due to some assertions or something like that depending on the use-case.
// Local network initialization
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const WASM_PATH = './contract/contract.wasm';
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
let contract = await eoslime.CleanDeployer.deploy(WASM_PATH, ABI_PATH);
- Options:
- inline - If true, contract account's active authority obtains 'eosio.code' permission. In this way the contract has the ability to do inline actions (call another contract)
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const WASM_PATH = './contract/contract.wasm';
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
// contract account's active authority obtains `eosio.code` permission
let contract = await eoslime.CleanDeployer.deploy(WASM_PATH, ABI_PATH, { inline: true });
The deploy
function returns a ready to use instance of the deployed contract.
You can get a contract's instance in two ways
- Each Deployer returns to you a new contract after deployment
- You can instatiate an already existing contract by doing:
// Local network initialization
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const CONTRACT_NAME = 'mycontract';
// Pre-created local network account
const CONTRACT_EXECUTOR = new eoslime.Account('myaccount', 'privateKey');
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
let contract = eoslime.Contract(ABI_PATH, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_EXECUTOR);
Note! If you don't provide CONTRACT_EXECUTOR
the provider's default account will be applied as executor
Important! eoslime is based on eosjs and when we are calling a contract method, eosjs options { broadcast: true, sign: true }
are always set to true
- name - For convenience you have accsess to the contract name
- provider - For convenience you have accsess to the network provider
- executor - The account which will execute contract methods (transactions) on the blockchain
Each contract method has the following optionals
from - If you want to call a contract method from another account(executor) you can do
// Local network initialization const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); const CONTRACT_NAME = 'mycontract'; const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi'; // Pre-created local network accounts const EXECUTOR_1 = eoslime.Account.load('myacc1', 'privateKey1'); const EXECUTOR_2 = eoslime.Account.load('myacc2', 'privateKey2'); let contract = eoslime.Contract(ABI_PATH, CONTRACT_NAME, EXECUTOR_1); // EXECUTOR_1 will execute `doSmth` transaction on the blockchain await contract.doSmth('Something'); // EXECUTOR_2 will execute `doSmth` transaction on the blockchain await contract.doSmth('Something', { from: EXECUTOR_2 }); // EXECUTOR_1 will execute `doSmth` transaction on the blockchain await contract.doSmth('Something');
unique - Nonce action support. Solve the
duplicate transaction
error// Local network initialization const eoslime = require('eoslime').init(); const CONTRACT_NAME = 'mycontract'; const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi'; // Pre-created local network accounts const EXECUTOR_1 = eoslime.Account.load('myacc1', 'privateKey1'); let contract = eoslime.Contract(ABI_PATH, CONTRACT_NAME, EXECUTOR_1); await contract.doSmth('Something'); // Execute `doSmth` one more time with same parameters await contract.doSmth('Something', { unique: true });
makeInline() - It adds 'eosio.code' permission to the contracts account's authority. It allows contract to do inline actions/call another contract's methods
let contract = eoslime.Contract(ABI_PATH, CONTRACT_NAME, CONTRACT_ACCOUNT); // CONTRACT_ACCOUNT will obtains 'eosio.code' permission await contract.makeInline();
In order to search in a contract tables in an easier way there are default table getters Each table getter is constructed such as
get + table name but with uppered first letter
table = admins
default getter = getAdmins
When you are using table getters, you should provide some query parameters Default: { equal: null, lower: null, upper: null, index: 1, index_type: "i64", limit: 100 }
- equal - Search for records which are equal to
- lower/upper - Search for records in range
- index - Search for records by table index
- index_type - Search for records and specify their index data type
- limit - Limit the resulted records. If the limit is set to 1 you will get directly the resulted record instead of an array with one element
const withdrawer = await eoslime.Account.createRandom();
const faucetAccount = await eoslime.Account.createRandom();
const faucetContract = eoslime.Contract(FAUCET_ABI_PATH, faucetAccount.name, faucetAccount);
// faucetAccount is the executor
await faucetContract.produce(withdrawer.name, "100.0000 TKNS");
// With equal criteria
const equalResult = await faucetContract.getWithdrawers({ equal: withdrawer.name });
// With range criteria
const rangeResult = await faucetContract.getWithdrawers({ lower: 0, upper: 1001.0000, index: 2 });
// With limit
const allWithdrawers = await faucetContract.getWithdrawers({ limit: 10 });
// With different index (By Quantity)
const balanceWithdrawers = await faucetContract.getWithdrawers({ equal: 100.0000, index: 2 });
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const WASM_PATH = './contract/contract.wasm';
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
describe('Test Contract', function () {
it('Should throw', async () => {
let wrongParameter = 'Wrong Parameter';
let contract = await eoslime.CleanDeployer.deploy(WASM_PATH, ABI_PATH);
await eoslime.utils.test.expectAssert(
const eoslime = require('eoslime').init();
const WASM_PATH = './contract/contract.wasm';
const ABI_PATH = './contract/contract.abi';
describe('Test Contract', function () {
it('Should throw', async () => {
let maliciousAccount = await eoslime.Account.createRandom();
let contract = await eoslime.CleanDeployer.deploy(WASM_PATH, ABI_PATH);
await eoslime.utils.test.expectMissingAuthority(
// doSmth could be called only from contract account
contract.doSmth({ from: maliciousAccount })
You can check eosio.token example to get better idea of how to work with eoslime
The example is for testing purposes only.
You must:
- Run nodoes locally
- Start example with:
npm run start
- cli
This is a free time project. We do it, because we want to help EOS world to reach more developers. If you want to buy us some beers in order to relax, we won't say no :P
Account: gqytgmrtgage