This is a collection of simple, stylable form components, which (should be) working on all relevant browsers. It is supposed to bridge the issue of some of the HTML 5 inputs (like type: "range") not working on select platforms (e.g. iOS).
Right now this lib only includes the range input component. The plan is to add more components if needed. Feel free to open an issue for component/feature requests or contribute with a pull request.
This library was built with the Angular CLI 7.1.0, you may run into issues using this with a lower version.
npm i ngx-form-components --save
import { NgxFormComponentsModule } from 'ngx-form-components';
imports: [
// ...
<form class="your-form">
min: number
optional, minimum range value -default value = 0
max: number
optional, maximum range value -default value = 100
step: number
optional, slider steps (e. g. 0->5->10 ..) -default value = 1
toolTips: boolean
optional, enables/disables number over slider -default value = false
minRangeSlider: boolean
optional, enables/disables left slider, if minRangeSlider = false, minimum is set as min slider value -default value = false
defaultRange: number || [number, number]
optional, sets the default value for the slider -default value = [min, max/2]
highlightBarCssClass: string
optional, css class for the highlightbar componentbarCssClass: string
optional, css class for the bar componentsliderButtonCssClass: string
optional, css class for the slider button component
Hint: if you want to apply a custom style to your bar, highlight bar or slider button, you need to disable the view encapsulation for the specific component that includes your css class:
import {Component, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core';
selector: /* your app selector */,
templateUrl: /* your html template */,
styleUrls: /* your style sheets */,
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, // <-- this
export class AppComponent {
// ...
See here
MIT © Jonathan Braat