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Hare User Guide


Hare is an experiment in Social Architecture, disguised as a software project.

What Hare does?

  1. Configures Motr object store.
  2. Starts/stops Motr services.
  3. Notifies Motr of service and device faults.

Hare implementation uses Consul key-value store and health-checking mechanisms.


Building from source

  • Download Hare.

    git clone hare
    cd hare
  • Install Python (≥ 3.6), libraries and header files needed to compile Python extensions.

    sudo yum -y install python3 python3-devel
  • Install Consul.

    sudo yum -y install yum-utils
    sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo
    sudo yum -y install consul-1.7.8
  • Install Motr.

    • .. from RPMs

      sudo yum -y install cortx-motr cortx-motr-devel
    • .. or from sources

      git clone --recursive motr
      cd motr
      scripts/m0 make
      sudo scripts/install-motr-service --link
      cd -
  • Build and install Hare.

    sudo make devinstall
  • Add current user to hare group.

    sudo usermod --append --groups hare $USER

    Log out and log back in.

Quick start

☑️ Checklist

Before starting the cluster as <user> at <origin> machine, ensure that

# Check Where
1 passwordless sudo works for <user> all machines
2 <user> can ssh from <origin> to other machines <origin>
3 cortx-hare and cortx-s3server RPMs are installed all machines
4 /opt/seagate/cortx/hare/bin is in <user>'s PATH all machines
5 <user> is a member of hare group all machines
6 CDF exists and corresponds to the actual cluster configuration <origin>

Prepare the CDF

If you are starting the cluster for the first time, you will need a cluster description file (CDF).

See cfgen --help-schema for the description of CDF format.

You can make a copy of /opt/seagate/cortx/hare/share/cfgen/examples/singlenode.yaml (single-node setup) or /opt/seagate/cortx/hare/share/cfgen/examples/ldr1-cluster.yaml (dual-node setup) and edit it as necessary.

cp /opt/seagate/cortx/hare/share/cfgen/examples/singlenode.yaml ~/CDF.yaml
vi ~/CDF.yaml

You will probably need to modify host, data_iface, and io_disks values.


  • Make sure that data_iface value refers to existing network interface (it should be present in the output of ip a command).

  • This network interface must be configured for LNet. If you can see its IP address in the output of sudo lctl list_nids command, you are all set. Otherwise, configure LNet by executing this code snippet on each node:

    IFACE=eth1  # XXX `data_iface` value from the CDF
    sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf <<< \
        "options lnet networks=tcp($IFACE) config_on_load=1"


  • Devices specified in io_disks section must exist.

  • Sometimes it is convenient to use loop devices instead of actual disks:

    sudo mkdir -p /var/motr
    for i in {0..9}; do
        sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/motr/disk$i.img bs=1M seek=9999 count=1
        sudo losetup /dev/loop$i /var/motr/disk$i.img

Hare we go

  • Start the cluster.

    hctl bootstrap --mkfs ~/CDF.yaml
  • Run I/O test.

    /opt/seagate/cortx/hare/libexec/m0crate-io-conf >/tmp/m0crate-io.yaml
    dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/128M bs=1M count=128
    sudo m0crate -S /tmp/m0crate-io.yaml
  • Stop the cluster.

    hctl shutdown

Reporting problems

To request changes or report a bug, please log an issue and describe the problem you are facing.

When reporting a bug, consider running

hctl reportbug

to collect forensic data. Run this command on every node of the cluster and attach generated files to the GitHub issue.


LNet is not configured

  • To check, run

    sudo lctl list_nids

    This command should show network identifiers.

  • If it doesn't, try to start LNet manually:

    sudo modprobe lnet
    sudo lctl network up

    Run sudo lctl list_nids again.

  • Still no luck? Perhaps /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf file is missing or corrupted. Create it with these commands:

    IFACE=eth1  # XXX `data_iface` value from the CDF
    sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/lnet.conf <<< \
        "options lnet networks=tcp($IFACE) config_on_load=1"

    Try to start LNet one more time.

RC Leader cannot be elected

If hctl bootstrap cannot complete and keeps printing dots..........

2020-01-14 10:57:25: Generating cluster configuration... Ok.
2020-01-14 10:57:26: Starting Consul server agent on this node.......... Ok.
2020-01-14 10:57:34: Importing configuration into the KV Store... Ok.
2020-01-14 10:57:35: Starting Consul agents on remaining cluster nodes... Ok.
2020-01-14 10:57:35: Update Consul agents configs from the KV Store... Ok.
2020-01-14 10:57:36: Install Motr configuration files... Ok.
2020-01-14 10:57:36: Waiting for the RC Leader to get elected..................[goes on forever]

try these commands

hctl shutdown
sudo systemctl reset-failed hare-hax

and bootstrap again.

See also