This teleram bot is programmed to send you greeting and give you general info about the stock prices of comapanies by entering 'price' followed by the comapany name code on stock exchange.
Here are some of the commands that you can try.
/hello - Say hello to bot.
/greet - Greet the bot.
/top5 - get price comparision of top5 internet companies
price{space}{company code on stock exchange} - to know the price of company in last 4 minutes. e.g. price tsla
compare{space}{add upto 4 space separated company codes} - to compare their price in past 5 days. e.g. compare tsla aapl fb
info{space}{company code} - to get general info about the company that the code belongs to. e.g. info tsla
You need to add the respective company's code with which they are registered and trading.