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Repository files navigation

This is a simple project to learn Django features. after implementing it, I learned about the Django project structure: models, views, and templates. This project is made of two apps: 1) polls 2) business_profile

Polls App

This app uses the following concepts and features:

  • URL routing, request handling, and response rendering
  • Django Templates
    • template language
    • template inheritance
    • template tags and filters
    • template overriding
  • Static files
  • Class-based views
  • Customizing the Django Admin using fields, fieldsets, inlines, list_display, list_filter, and search_fields
  • Testing

Business Profile App

This app uses the following features:

  • Django ORM
  • Customizing the Django Admin using custom fields, form, forms.ModelForm, get_exclude, get_fieldsets, user.has_perm, has_*_permission, get_queryset, and save_model
  • RESTful APIs
  • Django Debug Toolbar