The factor-analysis-exercise-service is used for creating survey exercises.
Please visit the user manual page [placeholder]
Run npm ci
in the repo root
Run the development server with npm run dev
the server is running on localhost:3008
using ktunnel. Allows you to test exercises that actually need the database, such as testing the global variables
Run bin/ktunnel
from repo root.
The adress to use in minikube is:
When stopping the cluster, the best is to stop the ktunnel exposure before killing the minikube cluster.
If the service is active when minikube is stopped remember to either delete the service from the cluster (see commands in the bin/ktunnel file) or to update the name of the service (factorial-analysis2 for example) which will again affect the local cluster-adress.
The program for parsing the submitted exercises is in the data-parser folder. user manual to run the program