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  • Admin Panel:

    • Dashboard: Displays voter data (total voters, voted, not voted) and vote count chart
    • Candidates: CRUD functionality for candidate data
    • Voters: CRUD functionality for voter data
    • Admins: CRUD functionality for admin data
  • Voter Panel:

    • Election Page: Displays all candidates
    • Results Page: Displays vote count chart for all candidates


  1. Create a new database named e_voting at your DBMS (ex: PhpMyAdmin).

  2. Clone this repository:

    git clone
  3. Open this project in your text editor (ex: Visual Studio Code).

  4. Create a new .env file.

  5. Copy the contents of .env.example and paste them into the newly created .env file.

  6. Run the following commands:

    • php artisan key:generate
    • composer update
    • composer install
    • php artisan migrate:fresh --seed`
  7. Access the web application with the credentials provided in the DatabaseSeeder.php file or the users table.


If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you'd like. Pull requests are warmly welcome.