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Bot: Super Dice Roll

Discord and Telegram bot that roll dices using using commands like /roll 4d6+4.

discord-super-dice-roll telegram-super-dice-roll


  • /help Show available commands and how to use them.
  • /roll Roll dices. Example: /roll 3D6+3.
  • /history Lists your lasts 10 rolls with the results.



About this code

  • super-dice-roll: Bot code for interaction via webhooks and rolling dices.

  • parenthesin/components: Helpers and component wrappers to give a foundation to create new services in clojure, you can find components for database, http, webserver and tools for db migrations.

Available Endpoints

Verb URL Description
POST /discord/webhook Receives Discord's interaction object
POST /telegram/webhook/{bot-token} Receives Telegram's update object

Configure the config.edn

Set the resources/config.edn with your keys or the corresponding enviroment variables.


Start containers with postgres user: postgres, password: postgres, hostname: db, port: 5432
and pg-admin email: [email protected], password: pg, port: 5433

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Stop containers

docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml stop

Running the server

First you need to have the database running, for this you can use the docker command in the step above.


You can start a repl open and evaluate the file src/super_dice_roll/server.clj and execute following code:

(start-system! (build-system-map))


You can generate an uberjar and execute it via java in the terminal:

# genarate a target/service.jar
clj -T:build uberjar
# execute it via java
java -jar target/service.jar


To open a nrepl

clj -M:nrepl

To open a nrepl with all test extra-deps on it

clj -M:test:nrepl

Run Tests

To run unit tests inside ./test/unit

clj -M:test :unit

To run integration tests inside ./test/integration

clj -M:test :integration

To run all tests inside ./test

clj -M:test

To generate a coverage report

clj -M:test --plugin kaocha.plugin/cloverage


Runs LSP to fix format and namespaces

clojure -M:clojure-lsp format
clojure -M:clojure-lsp clean-ns

Runs LSP to check format and namespaces

clojure -M:clojure-lsp format --dry
clojure -M:clojure-lsp clean-ns --dry
clojure -M:clojure-lsp diagnostics


To create a new migration with a name

clj -M:migratus create migration-name

To execute all pending migrations

clj -M:migratus migrate

To rollback the latest migration

clj -M:migratus rollback

See Migratus Usage for documentation on each command.

Directory Structure

├── .clj-kondo -- clj-kondo configuration and classes
├── .github
│   └── workflows -- Github workflows folder.
├── docker -- docker and docker-compose files for the database
├── resources -- Application resources assets folder and configuration files
│   └── migrations -- Current database schemas, synced on service startup.
├── src -- Library source code and headers.
│   ├── parenthesin -- Source for common utilities and helpers.
│   └── super_dice_roll -- Source for the bot.
└── test -- Test source code.
    ├── integration -- Integration tests source (uses state-flow).
    │   ├── parenthesin -- Tests for common utilities and helpers.
    │   └── super_dice_roll -- Tests for bot.
    └── unit -- Unity tests source (uses clojure.test).
        ├── parenthesin -- Tests for common utilities.
        └── super_dice_roll -- Tests for bot.

Other iterations


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
For more information, please refer to


Discord and Telegram bot that roll dices using using commands like `/roll 4d6+4`.








No releases published
