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Research code that accompanies the paper Differential Privacy-inspired Federated Split Learning for Anomaly Detection.


DP-FSL is an anomaly detection method that can integrate data information from several edge log collectors in a secure manner.

Framework of dp-fsl

Major contribution

  • While both federated learning and split learning can over privacy solely, we combine both to have one-level more privacy-preserving.
  • While most federated learning and split learning are supervised learning, we attend anomaly detection which is not supervised.
  • Different from previous methods, we add differential privacy to the aggregated part, instead of directly changing the original data, which can maximize the retention of user-side information.
  • We adapt the time series model to split learning which enables our architecture to handle the task of anomaly detection.

Local Models

Model Paper reference
DeepLog [CCS'17] DeepLog: Anomaly Detection and Diagnosis from System Logs through Deep Learning
LogAnomaly [IJCAI'19] LogAnomaly: UnsupervisedDetectionof SequentialandQuantitativeAnomaliesinUnstructuredLogs

Note: The code of local models is referenced from donglee-afar/logdeep.

Federated algorithms

Algorithm Paper reference
Fedavg [PMLR'20] Communication-Efficient Learning of Deep Networks from Decentralized Data
FedAdam [ICLR'21] Adaptive Federated Optimization


Results on HDFS 100k

DeepLog LogAnomaly
F1 Precision Recall F1 Precision Recall
Single Set 92.288 88.432 96.495 93.453 91.171 96.911
Whole Set 95.334 93.159 97.613 94.438 96.325 96.624
FedAdam 94.303 94.630 93.978 94.111 94.879 93.356
SL+FedAdam 92.868 86.905 99.163 93.913 94.095 93.568
DP-FSL (ours) 92.630 91.654 94.115 93.624 93.030 96.328