Very light transmission-daemon installation based on the Hypriot image for the Raspberry Pi.
By design, it will only run the transission daemon, exposing its standard port and exporting volumes for both the configuration and the data (including download) directories.
You can execute it with something like:
docker run -d \
-p 9091:9091 \
-p 51413:51413 \
-p 51413:51413/udp \
--restart='always' \
-v /media/external/torrent/downloading:/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads \
-v /root/transmission-daemon:/etc/transmission-daemon \
--name transmission robsharp/rpi-transmission \
In my case, /media/external
represents an external drive mounted on the docker
host, and /root/transmission-daemon
contains all the settings and in-progress
torrents for the container.
The use of restart='always'
ensures the container starts with the docker host.