A command line tool to convert an xsd schema to CodeMirror's schemaInfo.
See http://codemirror.net/demo/xmlcomplete.html for an example how to configure CodeMirror to use a simple schemaInfo for Ctrl-Space completion.
See http://q42jaap.github.io/xsd2codemirror/xsltautocomplete.htm for a real example, where the schemaInfo for CodeMirror is generated by xsd2codemirror
xsd2codemirror.exe [-v] [-prefix prefix namespace]* path-to-xsd
ProTip™: pipe the output into a file:
xsd2codemirror C:\...\ > tags.json
You can use the SimpleSchemaParser library to integrate this into other software. Provided that you run .NET on the server of course!