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😎 A curated list of tensor decomposition resources for model compression.


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Awesome Tensor Decomposition

A curated list of tensor decomposition resources for network compression.

πŸ“‹ Research Papers

Title Venue Year
PELA: Learning Parameter-Efficient Models with Low-Rank Approximation GitHub Repo stars CVPR 2024
Adaptive Rank Selections for Low-Rank Approximation of Language Models ACL 2024
Learning Low-Rank Tensor Cores with Probabilistic l0-Regularized Rank Selection for Model Compression GitHub Repo stars IJCAI 2024
Compact Model Training by Low-Rank Projection With Energy Transfer GitHub Repo stars TNNLS 2024
An Accuracy-Preserving Neural Network Compression via Tucker Decomposition IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing 2024
Co-Exploring Structured Sparsification and Low-Rank Tensor Decomposition for Compact DNNs TNNLS 2024
Tender: Accelerating Large Language Models via Tensor Decomposition and Runtime Requantization ISCA 2024
Coarse-To-Fine Tensor Trains for Compact Visual Representations GitHub Repo stars ICML 2024
Position: Tensor Networks are a Valuable Asset for Green AI ICML 2024
Compression-aware Training of Neural Networks using Frank-Wolfe GitHub Repo stars Arxiv 2024
Unified Low-rank Compression Framework for Click-through Rate Prediction GitHub Repo stars KDD2024 ADS 2024
A Practical Approach for Employing Tensor Train Decomposition in Edge Devices IJPP 2024
Structure-Preserving Network Compression Via Low-Rank Induced Training Through Linear Layers Composition Arxiv 2024
LoRETTA: Low-Rank Economic Tensor-Train Adaptation for Ultra-Low-Parameter Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models GitHub Repo stars NAACL 2024
CoMERA: Computing- and Memory-Efficient Training via Rank-Adaptive Tensor Optimization Arxiv 2024
FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Vision Transformer GitHub Repo stars WACV 2024
FLoRA: Low-Rank Core Space for N-dimension GitHub Repo stars Arxiv 2024
Reduced storage direct tensor ring decomposition for convolutional neural networks compression GitHub Repo stars Arxiv 2024
Federated Learning Using Coupled Tensor Train Decomposition Arxiv 2024
Neural Network Compression Based on Tensor Ring Decomposition TNNLS 2024
Enhanced network compression through tensor decompositions and pruning GitHub Repo stars TNNLS 2024
Enhancing GAN Performance Through Neural Architecture Search and Tensor Decomposition GitHub Repo stars ICASSP 2024
Deep Convolutional Neural Network Compression Method: Tensor Ring Decomposition with Variational Bayesian Approach Neural Processing Letters 2024
Compressing Transformers: Features Are Low-Rank, but Weights Are Not! AAAI 2023
Deep Learning Model Compression With Rank Reduction in Tensor Decomposition TNNLS 2023
MARS: Masked Automatic Ranks Selection in Tensor Decompositions GitHub Repo stars AISTATS 2023
Mixed-TD: Efficient Neural Network Accelerator with Layer-Specific Tensor Decomposition GitHub Repo stars FPL 2023
SVD-NAS: Coupling Low-Rank Approximation and Neural Architecture Search GitHub Repo stars WACV 2023
How Informative is the Approximation Error from Tensor Decomposition for Neural Network Compression? ICLR 2023
Tensor shape search for efficient compression of tensorized data and neural networks Applied Soft Computing 2023
FacT: Factor-Tuning for Lightweight Adaptation on Vision Transformer AAAI 2023
Compressing convolutional neural networks with hierarchical Tucker-2 decomposition GitHub Repo stars Applied Soft Computing 2023
Tensor shape search for efficient compression of tensorized data and neural networks Applied Soft Computing 2023
An effective low-rank compression with a joint rank selection followed by a compression-friendly training Neural Networks 2023
Joint matrix decomposition for deep convolutional neural networks compression GitHub Repo stars Neurocomputing 2023
Training Acceleration of Low-Rank Decomposed Networks using Sequential Freezing and Rank Quantization Arxiv 2023
Knowledge Transfer via Decomposing Essential Information in Convolutional Neural Networks GitHub Repo stars TNNLS 2022
Compression of Deep Neural Networks based on quantized tensor decomposition to implement on reconfigurable hardware platforms Neural Networks 2022
HODEC: Towards Efficient High-Order DEcomposed Convolutional Neural Networks CVPR 2022
Towards Practical Control of Singular Values of Convolutional Layers GitHub Repo stars NeurIPS 2022
Strategies for Applying Low Rank Decomposition to Transformer-Based Models NeurIPS 2022
Low-rank lottery tickets: finding efficient low-rank neural networks via matrix differential equations GitHub Repo stars NeurIPS 2022
BATUDE: Budget-Aware Neural Network Compression Based on Tucker Decomposition AAAI 2022
Convolutional Neural Network Compression through Generalized Kronecker Product Decomposition AAAI 2022
Towards Compact Neural Networks via End-to-End Training: A Bayesian Tensor Approach with Automatic Rank Determination GitHub Repo stars SIMODS 2022
A novel compact design of convolutional layers with spatial transformation towards lower-rank representation for image classification GitHub Repo stars Knowledge-Based Systems 2022
Deep neural network compression by Tucker decomposition with nonlinear response Knowledge-Based Systems 2022
Nested compression of convolutional neural networks with Tucker-2 decomposition IJCNN 2022
PSM-nets: Compressing Neural Networks with Product of Sparse Matrices IJCNN 2022
A Design Space Exploration Methodology for Enabling Tensor Train Decomposition in Edge Devices SAMOS 2022
Compressing Neural Networks: Towards Determining the Optimal Layer-wise Decomposition GitHub Repo stars NeurIPS 2021
Deeply Shared Filter Bases for Parameter-Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks GitHub Repo stars NeurIPS 2021
Towards Efficient Tensor Decomposition-Based DNN Model Compression with Optimization Framework CVPR 2021
Deep Convolutional Neural Network Compression via Coupled Tensor Decomposition JSTSP 2021
Tensor Reordering for CNN Compression ICASSP 2021
Block-term tensor neural networks Neural Networks 2020
Low-Rank Compression of Neural Nets: Learning the Rank of Each Layer GitHub Repo stars CVPR 2020
Learning Low-rank Deep Neural Networks via Singular Vector Orthogonality Regularization and Singular Value Sparsification GitHub Repo stars CVPRW 2020
A Novel Rank Selection Scheme in Tensor Ring Decomposition Based on Reinforcement Learning for Deep Neural Networks ICASSP 2020
Holistic CNN Compression via Low-Rank Decomposition with Knowledge Transfer GitHub Repo stars TPAMI 2019
Efficient Neural Network Compression GitHub Repo stars CVPR 2019
ADA-Tucker: Compressing deep neural networks via adaptive dimension adjustment tucker decomposition Neural Networks 2019
Learning Filter Basis for Convolutional Neural Network Compression GitHub Repo stars ICCV 2019
Automated Multi-Stage Compression of Neural Networks GitHub Repo stars ICCVW 2019
Compressing Deep Models using Multi Tensor Train Decomposition ICCAIS 2019
Compressing Fully Connected Layers using Kronecker Tensor Decomposition ICCSNT 2019
Adaptive Mixture of Low-Rank Factorizations for Compact Neural Modeling GitHub Repo stars OpenReview 2019
Learning Compact Recurrent Neural Networks with Block-Term Tensor Decomposition CVPR 2018
Wide Compression: Tensor Ring Nets CVPR 2018
Self-supervised Knowledge Distillation Using Singular Value Decomposition GitHub Repo stars ECCV 2018
Extreme Network Compression via Filter Group Approximation ECCV 2018
On Compressing Deep Models by Low Rank and Sparse Decomposition CVPR 2017
Factorized Convolutional Neural Networks ICCVW 2017
Accelerating Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Classification and Detection TPAMI 2016
Convolutional Neural Networks With Low-rank Regularization GitHub Repo stars ICLR 2016
Compression of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Fast and Low Power Mobile Applications ICLR 2016
Accelerating Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Applications MM 2016
Ultimate tensorization: compressing convolutional and FC layers alike GitHub Repo stars NIPSW 2016
Speeding-up Convolutional Neural Networks Using Fine-tuned CP-Decomposition ICLR 2015
Speeding up Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Rank Expansions Arxiv 2014

πŸ“š Surveys

Title Venue Year
Tensor Decomposition for Model Reduction in Neural Networks: A Review IEEE Circuits and Systems Magazine 2023
Low Rank Optimization for Efficient Deep Learning: Making A Balance between Compact Architecture and Fast Training Arxiv 2023
Tensor Networks Meet Neural Networks: A Survey and Future Perspectives GitHub Repo stars Arxiv 2023
High-performance tensor decompositions for compressing and accelerating deep neural networks GitHub Repo stars Tensors for Data Processing 2022
Tensor Decomposition for Signal Processing and Machine Learning IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 2017
The Higher-Order Singular Value Decomposition: Theory and an Application IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 2010
Tensor Decompositions and Applications SIAM Review 2009

πŸ“˜ Miscellaneous

Title Venue Year
Nuclear Norm of Higher-Order Tensors Mathematics of Computation 2018

πŸ’» Repositories