jChessify makes writing chess engines in Java fun.
It lets you focus on the high-level functionality whilst giving you unparalleled flexibility.
- minimax
- alpha-beta pruning
- opening book support
Board chessBoard = new Board();
Engine engine = new Engine(new PieceValueEvaluator());
engine.maxDepth = 2;
Move bestMove = engine.getBestMove(chessBoard);
Note: chess logic (
) is powered by bhlangonijr/chesslib
This example uses PieceValueEvaluator
, an evaluator which evaluates player advantage through piece values.
class CustomEvaluator implements Evaluator {
// positive if advantage, negative if disadvantage
public int evaluate(Board board){
// random value between -100 and 100
return new Random().nextInt(201) - 100;
Engine engine = new Engine(new CustomEvaluator());
OpeningBook openingBook = new OpeningBook("path/to/book.txt");
String bestMoveSAN = openingBook.findNextMove("e4 e5"); //Nf3
Note: jChessify's
uses a specific format. The default opening book provided should be enough.
You can install jChessify through Apache Maven. Add the following to your pom.xml
Installation instructions for Gradle and others can be found here.