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WSL Dotfiles

Customizing my work environment brings me the same kind of joy like installing Skyrim mods. I could spend days downloading stuff, making sure everything works together, but I still haven't beaten the main quest. These are dotfiles for a mostly terminal-based environment, TUIs and CLIs over GUIs. One day I will automate the setup using Nix.

Prereqs on Windows Host

  • Pengwin on MS Store - $9.99
    • Alternative: Debian WSL
  • X410 X Server on MS Store - $9.99
    • Alternative: VcXsrv
  • Windows Terminal
  • Meslo Nerd Font patched for Powerlevel10k

Windows Terminal

Currently using Preview for Quake mode.

    "antialiasingMode": "grayscale",
    "backgroundImage": null,
    "bellStyle": "visual",
    "colorScheme": "MaterialDarker",
    "cursorShape": "vintage",
    "fontFace": "MesloLGS NF",
    "guid": "{7f586916-8357-53d4-bb2b-ca96f639898a}",
    "hidden": false,
    "name": "Pengwin",
    "source": "Windows.Terminal.Wsl",
    "startingDirectory": "\\\\wsl$\\WLinux\\home\\panat"


  • Editors
    • Neovim
  • GUI
    • GUI Lib
    • High DPI
    • Synaptic package manager
    • X410
  • Programming
    • C++
    • Go
    • Rust
    • Python with Pip
  • Settings
    • Shells
      • zsh with oh-my-zsh
  • Tools
    • Docker
      • Expose daemon in Docker Desktop
      • Change mount point from /mnt/c to /c

Zsh setup


Using .zsh_plugins.txt and Znap plugin manager. All the configuration is in the .zshrc file.

Plugins Manager

Znap manages cloning and sourcing plugin repositories. My .zshrc is just a bunch of source statements. Plus it works well with OMZ. Care should be taken in the order of zsh-user plugins (competions, syntax-highlighting, history-substring-search, autosuggestions).


Use znap source powerlevel10k. P10k's instant prompt is slightly faster so I am keeping that at the top.


Most of them end up as aliases.

  • micro editor
    • apt install micro
  • tealdeer: tldr man pages in rust
    • cargo install tealdeer
  • exa: replacement for ls
    • apt install exa
  • lazygit: git TUI
  • ranger: file manager TUI
  • bat: cat alternative
    • apt install bat
    • TODO check out bat-extras
  • ripgrep: fast grep
  • fd: fast find

Other cool TUIs

  • ticker: stock watcher
  • bottom: activity monitor
  • glow: markdown renderer
  • mutt: email client
  • weechat: IRC
  • weather
  • bit: git CLI autosuggestions
  • navi: cheatsheets
  • delta: diff viewer cargo install git-delta


Config for my Pengwin WSL environment






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