This is a simple and fairly naive mapping utility for converting transcript positions to genomic positions. Functionality is split into 2 modules, a core utility and a CLI that calls it. The module exposes a Mapper class which loads the transcript definitions and exposes the translation utility. The module uses Click to parse arguments, provide sensible defaults, and perform error-handling. This project uses Poetry for dependency and venv management - the CLI can be invoked with poetry run map after running poetry install. Tests can be run with poetry run pytest tests.
A number of assumptions were made which may be vulnerable to edge-cases if this were used on a more diverse dataset. However, a few key strengths should be highlighted:
- The most expensive operation, making the mapping, is only called when the specific transcript is first requested, and then cached for subsequent requests.
- While the transcripts file is loaded using a context manager and kept in memory, the actual translation is done using a lazy-reader and append-only writer. As such, neither are kept in memory and an interruption will not fail the entire run, to better accomodate very large files.
- The CLI and core functionality are decoupled to more easily integrate with other interfaces, e.g. a Django backend app.
- The bulk of the error-handling is done in the CLI so issues can bubble-up. A number of specific and common errors are handled here.
- Robust logging and testing are included as a baseline should functionality need to be extended.