This humix modules is essentially a wrapper to a few STT and TTS engines. The goal is to simplify the effort required to use STT/TTS technologies so that the higher level component (e.g. Humix-Think) can easily receive the recognized text and issue text to be sythesized. As an analogy, this module gives the ear and mouth to a robot, or cognitive device in general.
git clone
cd humix-conversation-module
npm install
Option1 : modify config.js
Basically, you need to configure three information
- what language to use
- what stt/tts engine to use
- what is the credential for these tts engine
For language, currently supported options are:
(Traditional Chinese)chs
(Simplified Chinese).
For stt engine, currently supported engines are
For tts engine, currently supported engines are
(en/cht) . for more inforamtion about ITRI, please check here
Once you specified the language and engine to use, the next step is to apply the crednetial of these engines.
- for watson stt/tts services, you can apply at
- for google speech API, please apply here
- create new project and keep the project name
- API Management -> Credientials -> Create Credentials -> Service account key
- Select "Compute Engine default service account. Select JSON as output format. Click create
- Go back to API Management Dashboard, make sure 'Google Cloud Speech API' is enabled
- for ITRI tts, you can apply id/pass here
- You can also specify the speaker (e.g. Bluce, Angela)
Option2 : use global humix config file (recommended)
You can also provide the config of this module using the global humix config file, which is located at ~/.humix/config.js
The content is the same as option1, but now you move these config under the "humix-conversation-module" properties. Example config looks like
module.exports = {
thinkURL : '',
senseId : 'robot1'
lang: 'cht', // 'en', 'cht' or 'chs'
'stt-engine': 'google', // 'watson' or 'google',
'tts-engine': 'itri', // 'watson' or 'itri' or 'iflytek'
stt: {
watson: {
username: '',
passwd: ''
google: {
username: '',
passwd: '',
googleCredentialFile: '', //the location of your google auth credential file. Absolute path
googleProjectName: '', //the project name which create your credential file.
googleLan: 'en-Us', // en-Us or cmn-Hant-TW
tts: {
watson: {
username: '',
passwd: ''
iflytek: {
appid: '<app_id>'
itri: {
username: '',
passwd: '',
speaker: 'Angela',
npm start